Sepatation anxiety...PLEASE HELP!!!
We have a gorgeous 8 week old Chi named Kratos. We brought him home on July 4th, and last week he nearly died from some unknown virus/bacterial infection. Thank goodness we have an awesome vet and they were able to save him. Our problem is that he CANNOT tolerate being left alone. If we walk out of the room...
What to do when...
Corona has been really bad about still pooping in the house, she doesnt give any signs when she has to go, she just goes. (Thank god my room mates are understanding!). So, trying to be a good chi mom, I've been keeping a REALLY close eye on her... she wears her harness and drag line after meal times so I can g...
POOPsicles :)
Soooo, have any of you had this problem? Merrie loves to eat poop, and she isn't picky about who's it is. Hers, Maters or the cats poo she finds in the grass outside. It drives me crazy, I have been battling this problem for quite a while now, and she is just now getting a little bit better. It was so bad...
Help, Chewy's getting more aggressive
One can only assume he's becoming more protective of me and our home because he's sensing the change in the household. However, he's getting annoying and I'm concerned that it won't go away after the baby's born. We have people over all the time and even people he's seen many times before he's barkin...
When and What?
Just wondering when (wat age) and what, and how for that matter, you should start training a chi puppy, actually two chi puppies? Any advice would be terrific.
So I've decided to start my puppy proofing and finish it by next week sometime. I was wondering though. Does anyone have any suggestions wat to do with cords (eg. computer cords, tv cords, phone cords)??? Like should i duck tape them together, or block access to them? Any suggestions would be greatly a...
home alone??
I've been wondering about this for a while. I do work part time so my baby chi will have to be left at home alone a couple times a week (lol i was looking for a job for a while that I could bring her to when she has full shots but dosnt look like i'll find one). I just feel so bad leaving her home (my shifts are real...
Ankle Biting
How come I'm the only one who ever posts on here? lol So, Corona's new source of enjoyment is chasing and biting feet/ankles. Any ideas how to stop that?
the other dog...help!
Hey everyone I need some advise. As you know Im getting my little baby chi girl in July. My concern though, is in regards to my dog I already own. I have a 6year old female Australian Cattle Dog mix, as well as two cats. My Aussie dog (Maddie) is tolerent of the cats, and is ok with some other dogs shes met. Th...
Making Meal Times
For the past week, we've been free-feeding Corona, leaving her kibble out for her all day. She hardly seems to eat, but she is only tiny right... anyway, my question is this; we want to start getting into certain meal times instead of the free feeding so how do we go about that? I know hypoglycemia (or som...
Forgetting the Pee Pad
For the last week or so, we've been taking Corona outside to do her business, and she's pretty good at letting us know when she has to go. My problem is that I am planning to move into an apartment soon, and I want her to keep using the pee pads, but she has basically stopped doing that now, she'll mess on the f...
Where to put the crate?
During the day of course the crate will be placed inside my 8 week old pup's x-pen for her while we are not home. But I am wondering about at night. Some people have said to bring it into the bedroom so that you can provide some company/comfort for the pup and also so you can hear if they wake at night and need t...
This is probably a fairly basic puppy owner question... from everything I've read, I should not take my puppy out in public until she has had all of her shots... and yet at the same time, she needs a TON of socialization between 8-12 weeks. So how do you accomplish that? How do you expose the puppy to all ki...
New Puppy Advise Needed
I hope someone can help me please. I got a new puppy but my 2 year old other chihuahua wants to kill it. I stay scared to death all the time that if I let him get close to the puppy he will bite her because He grawls at her constantly and almost did attack the puppy. What do I do and how can I make my old dog love...
Potty Training
It seems that all the info I can find on housebreaking is about taking dogs outside to do their business. That's all well and good, but I'll be living in an apartment shortly and so I'd like to train my pup to use a litter box, but am not 100% sure how to go about that. Can I just leave the box in he...
Chihuahua and Children
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to how to get chihuahuas to be more comfortable with new people, or more specifically, how to teach them to be nice to children. I know this sounds strange, but I want to try to get my chi more used to and accepting to children. I do not have any c...
Oy, the barking!
Ok, I never did as I should have in training my chis. Now the barking is so out of hand. I have the 3 chis now, so I'm looking for tips of how to teach them to stop barking when I say to. They bark at the least little sound outside, doesn't matter if it's day or night. They just k...
Alright, now that Chimi gets older and is growing into his hormones... the training inquiries will begin to roll!! LOL.
I have a problem with getting Chimi to come when called outiside of the training ring at PetSmart. He does everything he is supposed to do in that little ring at the store, but whe...
As some of you will remember James and I installed a (cat) flap for Ellie in our back door a few weeks ago. Well, to begin with she was terrified of it and would just flat out refuse to go near it, but then she started to get used to it being there. Eventually she would go out of it but not...
What a determined little brat!!!
Alright. So with all of the dogs that we've ever had together, I always tell my boyfriend not to start giving them scraps. I told him this with Chimi, and he didnt listen, so then I started to do it too.
Chimi is a little MONSTER while you are eating! I love dogs to bits, and dont mind giving up scraps, bu...
Okay guys, Harley is getting out of hand! He bites me for everything! So hard that it bleeds. And he grabs Daisy's lip and pulls so hard and she is squeeling and he won't let go even when i am yelling at him to stop. I know it hurts her bc he hurts me so bad. I had to seperate them bc he was hurting her (and D...
I don't know if this is where i should post this but here i go....
Harley is the sweetest dog ever! BUT he hates it when i put his collar on or his leash. It takes 2 people to do it. He GRAWLS so loud and bites me so hard and wiggles so much that we have to hold him on the ground. I have got to get him to stop d...
Going Insane
Harley is not being good!!! He will not poop on his pads! I am so sick of cleaning my carpet! My house smells like dog and poop. I moved the pads closer to the door so he will start going outside but it has made it worse. He has been having accidents bc the pad isn't right in front of his face, it's in the kitchen...
Harness/Collar Training
Okay, all you pros out there, need advice and reassurance.
All my books say to introduce the collar and/or harness to your puppy for 20 minutes at a time.
Needless to say, Rufus hates it! He scratched at it and whined a bit, turning himself in circles trying to get rid of the thing. That I get - the...
Luv My Rufus
Disappointing Puppy Kindergarten
Well, we had our first puppy class last night. When I signed Rufus up, I was assured there were other toy dogs in the class. Well, there was only one, a shih tzu. The others were HUGE, including a great dane (who was actually the best of the bunch with Rufus, since he has a chihuahua brother at home!)
Luv My Rufus
Pup Pad use
Ok, Well, for any who may not know, we recently got or 3rd chi, Sassy. She is 8 months old and according to her previous owners has been trained to puppy pads since early on. Well, Sassy is peeing very, very well on the pup pads, but I can't get her to poop on them. Hershey & Jax do fin...