For the past week, we've been free-feeding Corona, leaving her kibble out for her all day. She hardly seems to eat, but she is only tiny right... anyway, my question is this; we want to start getting into certain meal times instead of the free feeding so how do we go about that?
I know hypoglycemia (or something similar) is "common" in small dogs, and obviously I don't want to create any health issues and want her to grow as much as possible. But do we just put her food down for 10-15 minutes and if she doesnt eat, she gets nothing until the next meal time? Or... ???
Yeah, as far as I know you offer her the food and if she doesn't eat it within like 10 mintues you take it away. I dont think you'll have to do that more than once, she'll get the message very quickly! But if you've been free feeding for a few days it might take her a bit to get into the new routine.
Saying that, I am a free feeder with Ellie. She's the first free feeder I've had and I dont mind it at all, but I do kinda wish I'd asked the question you did when she was a pup just so I could choose.
I'm sure someone more knowledgable will chip in soon!
Stacey.... I started feeding meals to my boys when Boots got seriously over weight. So now they get two meals a day... one in the morning, Binks gets slightly less than a 1/4 cup and Boots gets slightly less than a 1/2 cup. Poor the food in the bowl.... gobble gobble gobble, repeat this around 6 or 7pm time frame.
They know when it is time to eat and they NEVER let us forget!!! LOL.
Here is what I would do depending on the time you have in the morning. Feed Corona in the morning... she should be hungry. If she does not eat, then she has to wait till the next meal. In this case, feeding 3 times a day may be a good idea. Then as she gets older, you can get it down to 2 with a snack or two. So no eat in the morning, she gets another opportunity to eat at lunch or dinner. Like Jess said, they wont let you let them miss to many meals. They get the picture pretty quickly.... ummm either I eat or I have to be hungry all day!!!!
I love this system, there is never food left in the bowls which could attract bugs and stuff, and the dogs are on a routine so they know when to expect to be fed.
Hey Stacey... I was watching a show the other night called Me or the Dog... rather interesting if you happen to get the Animal Planet channel. Anyhow, they were visiting a family that left food out all day for their dog and they had problems with it wanting to go out in the middle of the night. So the point she was trying to make was that if you have planned meal times, you have more controlled (planned) potty times.
As I stated before, I feed two meals a day, and my boys go twice a day to poo... pee pee requires a few more trips!!!
You guys are misleading Stacey to make her think she can feed her 1 pound puppy twice a day. Even three times a day doesn't cut it for such a tiny, growing dog. Keep dry food out at all times at least UNTIL a couple hours before bed - if you're trying to control the poo. But at her age, why risk it even then?