I had went to Sams to purchase other things that I need it, NOT to purchase another doggie bed. BUT!!!! when all of a sudden I was browsing through the doggie aisle wich I had no buissnues going their in the first place to begin with. Then, there it was a very cute sofa/bed that I had to have because to me it was unique & original. Now Peanut was the only one that wanted to pose in it, and then Twinkie but not together. And Casper did not want to get in it at all, I'll guess till the lil sausage gets use to it.
What a great looking "Victorian" doggie sofa bed! I agree it is so unique and I love the color and fabric too... Can't blame you for not being able to resist it!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.