She had a dog named Molly that my sister let out in to the back yard last year after the fence was still down from the hurricane. She still cries a lot because she misses her baby girl, but I told her that even though she misses her she needs another baby to help her heart heal.
I found these puppies in an ad and they had a picture of his sister up. She looked very similar to my moms dog so I contacted them and they told me they only had 1 left, and it was a boy. I think he looks just like her and if it was dark outside you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The only difference is he has prick ears, and Molly didn't. My mom didn't really want a male dog, but when they sent his pictures to her she decided that we should go look at him.
Well. She was wanting a smaller dog than he is, which the people told us he supposedly only weighed between 5-7 lbs. right now. He weighs a lot more than that, but she liked him any way. He's supposed to be mixed with corgi and spitz. I think he looks like he has some border collie in him though.
He's only 8 in. tall. But he weighs 12 lbs. He's supposed to only be 9 weeks old.
He's a cute little fella, and he is very sweet. He's smart too. He goes to sit by the door when he wants to go potty, and he knows how to sit. We got him last night.
Oh, by the way. He needs a name. We just can't seem to think of anything that fits.
Cori, I think your Mom's new pup is a very handsome guy.. Love that short, stocky build and his face and ears are so alert looking.. Sounds like he is also quite intelligent since he is sitting and asking to go out at this early age.. I believe your Mom has picked a winner! As for name suggestions, how about "Rascal" as he looks like he may be one (lol) or Domino for his black and white speckled coloring? Please keep us undated with new pics as he grows and thanks for sharing him with us. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
He kinda reminds me of Radar, the stance of his body and all. Anyhow, I think it is a great looking boy!!! And so glad that your mom has a new companion, it definately helps the heart heal.
As for the name... I like Deb's suggestions, but when I first looked at him the name Stuart jumped to mind... or Stewy...
My mom took him to the vet today. He weighs 12.7 lbs. He had a few hookworms, but they wormed him. He has to go back in 3 weeks for another shot and to be checked for worms again.
The vet said she thinks he is either border collie/corgi mix, or blue heeler/corgi mix. I personally think he's more border collie and corgi than the other. Someone else mentioned Aussie but he's not really merle, he's ticked.. Like a blue heeler would be.. His head and the way he's fuzzy doesn't look like a blue heeler to me.
My mom wanted to name his Murray, but my dad said he didn't look like a Murray. The reason she liked Murray is because she said he looks like Murray from the show "Mad About You" but is black and white rather than tan like him. So they both decided on Toby instead.
Congratulations to your Mum; it's great, I'm so glad she's got another pup, hopefully he'll help her heart-ache over the lost Molly. He's a funny lookin' doggy, looks like he got the wrong head for his body or something! lol Toby sounds like an excellent name to me!