Well, as promised here are a couple of pics of Ellie's new house James made her for her birthday. It is huge but she loves it! Ideal for puppies! It also has a Tortoise table on top for Fred and Salvador.
Wow Jess... she got a puppy condo!!! That is very nice craftmanship if you ask me!!! Ellie does look quite pleased! And I have to say that using the top for the turtles is a great idea!!! As long as Ellie don't mind noisy upstairs neighbors!
Jen, Ellie adores it, yeah! She's forever in and out of her new 'pad'! lol We got her a new cushion/bed to go in it and every night we put a hot water bottle in it and she sleeps all night in there. She's always reluctant to get up in the mornings now! lol
Sattie, I think Ellie will love it even more once the boys are 'upstairs' as they have a heat lamp so it'll heat up her half nicely! lol