Hey all, I just thought I would post some pics of the babies. We started hand feeding them this weekend. I tell ya, it's like having kids!! Up every four hours to feed. Thank goodness, they sleep through the night. But they are like clockwork at six am...lol They are so much fun though. We are having a blast with them.
Here is hubby with the babies.
Want a handful of cuteness?
Here is a couple of the baby greenie that hubby was feeding. We had to concentrate on one of the for pics because they are getting around so quick now, that we have to keep an eye on them all the time.
I think that is about one of the cutest pics I have ever seen... a handful of lovie babies.. They are adorable and I can't imagine how ya'll are going to part with any of them! What a wonderful experience to hand raise those little darlins'!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Awwww, how cute is that?! I love the shot of all four babies in Hubby's hand! So come on Newfie, what're their names? You must've named them by now?!
Please excuse my ignorance, and if you dont mind me asking, what is it you that you feed baby birds? I know just about nothing about birds and was just curious. I'd love to keep Lovebirds some day so any info on them would be greatly appreciated!
debby, I don't know how we are gonna part with them either. Richard sure takes good care of his baby greenies. He came out of the bedroom last night with one of his old bed hats. Wooly kind, and said can the babies sleep in the hat? It will keep them warm. So in the bin went the hat, and all four babies took off and snuggled in the hat. Was too cute to see, and to see the look on Richard's face. Big ole smile from ear to ear. Luckily we haven't gotten attached to the other three yet..lol That is another story in itself.
sattie, I tell ya, hubby is having a blast with these guys. I was trying to be nice and let him sleep in this morning, so I fed them all myself. He woke up at seven and came running out to the kitchen. I'm late! Where's the babies?? I said I already fed them. He put on a pouty face and got all grumpy cuz I didn't wait for him. He cracked me up. See what I get for tryin to be nice?..lol
Jess, we have only named one of them. The first one that was born and everyone called him Gummy, but that got changed to Gumby, thanks to deb..:) We aren't sure what to call the other ones, so we just call them greenie one and greenie two. The other yellow one I just call Baby Peepers for now. We still have three more that we have to wean out soon as well. We feed them Kaytee bird formula. It's just a powder that you mix with hot water. It gets thick like pudding, and we feed it to the babies. They love that stuff..lol Pretty soon they will be able to start eating seed, hopefully this week as they will be four weeks old as of Thursday.
Newfie I know you were trying to be sweet and let Richard sleep in some this morning, but Papa Smurf needed his "lovie fix!" How sweet they have made themselves a little sleeping nest out of his hat...Time to face the facts you two... those babies have stolen your hearts!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.