Looking for a warm spot on a cold nite... Neko and Spikey decided the doggie heater was the best place, while Buster picked my puter desk so I could pet him while he napped... Deb
-- Edited by chiDeb at 21:06, 2006-12-08
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Buster just wants to be where mama is... I have had our wood heater on full blast up here in Canada.. The chi girlies aren't shivering and I am wearing shorts in the house!
Thanks guys... And come over Jessie and bring those chi babies with ya! Sattie, I'm waiting on you and Binks and Boots... My guys love that fake fireplace heater.. It is so cute and just right for them.. The blower is in the bottom so the heat comes out right where the doggies are nappin'...
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.