Well gang...here are the babies at three weeks today. They have grown so much it amazes me. I am going to try and handfeed a couple of them this weekend. I went and had some lessons from a bird lady here on how to feed them. They had larger babies, so hopefully it won't be that hard, which I don't think it will. Hope y'all enjoy the pics:)
Oh Man, Newfie, I think I'm in love... Those babies just steal my heart! I wish we lived closer, cause I would definitely be knocking on the door to take me one home.. So we have 2 greens like momma and 5 yellows like daddy..You will love hand raising the little rascals, I did it with ****atiels and it is such a bonding experience.. I'm jealous! Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Awe Newfie.... me want some baby birds now!!!! I just love the ones with the little yellow heads!!!! They are sooooo cute!!!!!!! Aweee...... I really likee newf!!! Congrats!!!
Wow, a few of those babies are begining to look like birds! No, seriously Newfie, they're looking great and have certainly grown a lot since we last saw them! I, as well as Deb, wished I lived near to you as I want one! Or perhaps two..or three...or...lol
aww..thanks guys. Well we have day two under our belts of hand feeding. Yesterday was a bit rough, but today went better. They are figuring out that we are the food source now. Tonight when we fed them, it was like...hurry up I'm hungry!..lol Richard has taken the two greenies..and I have the two yellow ones to feed. We spent the day in bed with baby birds and chuwee. Was alot of fun playing with all the animals.