I'm alright with the watching of the football and belching... the drinking of beer with the shirt up over the tummy. I dont mind the toilet seat being left up, or the crazy fascination with cars that would kill him if he bought them...
Do you have men pet peeves, or is your guy clean as a whistle and polite??? My guy is such a dirt ball!! LOL.
Mia, you're a genius for starting this thread! lol
My man, James, is also a bit discusting, and I'm kinda getting used to it as we live together, you know the smelly feet, the bodily gases, the hair in weird places...etc. But what gets me is the way he teaches Ellie bad habits! Ellie still bites like she did when she was puppy because James thinks it's 'cute'! ARGH!!! This really upsets me, it's the worst!
Talk about hair in strange places... my Tony has tons of hair in his nose, and in his ears!!! Where did all of that even come from!?!?!?!? LOL.
My latest with the dogs is that Tony doesnt understand the urgency in having to get my crested, Yoshi, into a new home. He loves Yoshi, and so do I, but if he bites Tony's daughter... there will be war in the house. Or what if he bites one of her friends or something? And we cant have anyone in the house because of the dog. It's such a shame! I hope we find someone that doesnt have many people over, and lives in the suburbs with no children... that would be perfect, but Tony keeps on making me feel guilty because of the situation.
Then he has decided to ignore Chimi because everyone thinks that he is cuter than Gringo, and he says that I pay more attention to Chimi than Gringo... GRINGO DOESNT EVEN LIKE ME!!! lol. I think that Gringo just tolerates me, because I'm not going away. As far as Gringo is concerned, I am an obsticle between him and his Daddy! LOL. I am as nice as can be to Gringo, and Gringo is sort of nice... but a lot of the times he's so mean! So when I complain about how rude Gringo is, Tony argues with me about how I hate Gringo!! I CANT WIN!!! LOL.
And of course, he's still teaching Chimi horrible habits... but that will never change... Tony will be Tony... he's just lucky he's cute, and that I'm head-over-heels.
Chrissy cleans up after himself pretty well... but if I had to name one pet peeve.... it would have to be the random gases!!! And why do we have to lean to one side or the other and "aim" them???????
sattie wrote: Chrissy cleans up after himself pretty well... but if I had to name one pet peeve.... it would have to be the random gases!!! And why do we have to lean to one side or the other and "aim" them???????
Sattie, men are always in the "war" mode. Ready, aim, fire! My Bo is pretty well trained. Just wish he would clean the toilet when he has a long session on it (if you know what I mean).......GROSS!:
My Tony and I always fought about cleaning... I dont mind to cook and clean and do all that house stuff, in fact, I LOVE to do all of that for him... but I get annoyed that he doesnt respect it at all! He walks in from work and completely wrecks the place! So then I stopped cleaning it, and he got all huffy and puffy! LOL.
Then one time I started making all of these messes all over the place like he does, and he got all crazy again! LOL. I explained to him why I did these two things, and he said he understood why, and that I had valid reasons... but it just never stopped! LOL. I guess he'll never change his ways, so I just shut up and do it.
I personally wouldn't keep my mouth shut and continue cleaning. That is really rude and unappreciative of him... he shouldn't expect you to be the one to clean up after him.
Ian and I share the cleaning/cooking responsibilities. We either both clean, switch off who does the cleaning, or clean together. I couldn't imagine having to do everything by myself (although I am usually the one who gets stuck doing the laundry!).
Evan is a clean FREAK, i hate cleaning and he loves it. But whenever he changes clothes he leaves his clothes right where he took them off, ALL over the house!! Then Harley thinks it's a puppy pad and pees on it and he gets so mad! Well that's what he gets!
The only reason that I keep quiet and keep cleaning is because I know that men after a certain age probably wont change. LOL.
I lived with him for about a year and a half, and I just recently moved out because I hate the neighborhood and we fight too much over cleaning. I figured if we could spend some time apart it would be good for us to figure it out. Instead, now, I live with my mom and I go back and forth to Tony's house. I spend half of the week in each place... LOL. Now he asks me to clean things nicely, and then I dont have any problem with doing it. At least I'm not there all the time to have to pick up after him 24/7 anymore. He gets to look at his own messes and watch himself making them now.
sattie wrote: Chrissy cleans up after himself pretty well... but if I had to name one pet peeve.... it would have to be the random gases!!! And why do we have to lean to one side or the other and "aim" them???????
At least your man doesnt cup his fart and release his hand in your face thinking your gonna smell it. My fiance is 28 !!!
HarleysLove wrote: Evan is a clean FREAK, i hate cleaning and he loves it. But whenever he changes clothes he leaves his clothes right where he took them off, ALL over the house!! Then Harley thinks it's a puppy pad and pees on it and he gets so mad! Well that's what he gets!
My Tony and I always fought about cleaning... I dont mind to cook and clean and do all that house stuff, in fact, I LOVE to do all of that for him... but I get annoyed that he doesnt respect it at all! He walks in from work and completely wrecks the place! So then I stopped cleaning it, and he got all huffy and puffy! LOL.
Then one time I started making all of these messes all over the place like he does, and he got all crazy again! LOL. I explained to him why I did these two things, and he said he understood why, and that I had valid reasons... but it just never stopped! LOL. I guess he'll never change his ways, so I just shut up and do it.
Oh Mia! I so sympathize with you. That is such a sore spot for Greg and I too. His sister Kim said it is b/c the way he was brought up. His MOMMY cleaned up after him. Well I am definatley not his Mommy and I do tell him that frequently. I work fulltime as does he, so why do I have to do the housecleaning as well!?!? Whats up with that?!?!?! Sometimes I yell and scream but he doesn't listen. I mean he is ok for a week or two but then goes right back to being SUPER SLOB! sigh
well.....mine doesn't really clean after himself right away, and I know he leaves dishes till they pile up, but i don't worry about doing them dirty dishes with old food stuck in them, because I don't live with him, so thats good!! But when he comes over he'll eat in the livingroom and he will leave his plate, empty soda can in the cofee table. Wich he suppose to pick it up and take it to the kitchen, but he doesn't. But sometimes he will pick up after himself, but sometimes. When I notice that's his done, I'll just get it becuase I don't like to see it there for such along time, and his like, " I was going to pick it up" I'm like yea right, punk" ( when till next year). And last but not least, I'm sensitive, and he is not, so he doesn't really think before he says things :(
HarleysLove wrote: Evan is a clean FREAK, i hate cleaning and he loves it. But whenever he changes clothes he leaves his clothes right where he took them off, ALL over the house!! Then Harley thinks it's a puppy pad and pees on it and he gets so mad! Well that's what he gets!
LOL! James does the same thing! I'm forever finding pairs of shorts and t-shirts scattered though the house! Luckily for me I can just wag my finger and laugh as Ellie doesn't use puppy pads, she goes outside. Phew!
sattie wrote: Chrissy cleans up after himself pretty well... but if I had to name one pet peeve.... it would have to be the random gases!!! And why do we have to lean to one side or the other and "aim" them???????
LOL!!! Aim them?! Sattie, that had me laughing big time girl! Thank you, it was good! lol
I have the best image in my mind now of you and Chris! LOL!
Oh Mia! I so sympathize with you. That is such a sore spot for Greg and I too. His sister Kim said it is b/c the way he was brought up. His MOMMY cleaned up after him. Well I am definatley not his Mommy and I do tell him that frequently. I work fulltime as does he, so why do I have to do the housecleaning as well!?!? Whats up with that?!?!?! Sometimes I yell and scream but he doesn't listen. I mean he is ok for a week or two but then goes right back to being SUPER SLOB! sigh
Yeah... Tony was in a house fire when he was only 18 months old, and he has severe scars from the burns all over his body. He got a lot of special treatment as a kid from his parents, because of the guilt and all, so he expects the cleaning and cooking, and he also expects me to never say anything to him when he does something that irks me.... boy did HE get a suprise from me! Family told me that other women were afraid of him or eaisly intimidated while they were dating. He has horrible anger issues because of the scars and how he was treated by other people when he was younger. It's really not fair, but since he has been with me the anger problem has definitely calmed down a bit. I have some serious anger issues reguarding my past too, so I decided to try and use some of the help I got from anger management when I was around 15 or so to try and help him. He really is still like a little kid, and sometimes I do feel like his mother and feel the need to whip him into shape...
I've said it before, and I'll say it again! He's lucky he's cute! And he's lucky I'm head-over-heels!! LOL.