Chuwee has finally figured out he can stand on the arms of the couch. He started this about a week ago, and now it is his favorite spot for lookout
HA HA!!!! Binks loves to do that... gives him a better perspective. It is also their favorite perch when the fire trucks go by.... I guess they can howl louder that way!!!! Cute pic newfie!!!! I love Mr. Chuwee!!!
Guard dog Chuwee... Five pounds of taut, toned, lean muscle.. Ready to pounce, always on alert, defender of the home, razor fangs ready..... and gives doggie kisses when needed...
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Good boy, Chuwee. Paka has a hassock at the end of the couch that is his guard post. He'll lie on it all the time watching out the window for the "bad guys".