So we put in a dogflap yesterday, actaully it's a catflap but shhh, we dont tell Ellie that! lol Since I find going up and down stairs difficult and seem to spend the majority of my days upstairs, we thought it would be best to put in a flap so Ellie can just let herself out into the back garden herself to do her business as and when she needs. But will she go near it?! Will she heck! She's terrified of it! I mean, I knew she could be a little timid at times, but this is just silly! She will go through it if we prop it open and bribe her with ham, but we cant do that every time!
Does anyone else have a ***flap for their pups? I'm hoping that in time she will get used to it. I'm hoping! lol
There are days I wished I had such a thing. My boys drive me nuts wanting to go out every 10 minutes.
I can see where this may be a bit scary for Miss Ellie... but I think it is a great idea and it will take her some time to warm up to it. Hopefully it wont take long Jess!!!
I can't offer you any advice as that I have never had one, but I will be following this thread to see how you make out.
Miss Ellie, please use the doggie flap for your mum!!!!!
Sorry Jess, no advice from here.. I haven't used a doggie flap... My back door doesn't go into the fenced yard, it goes to the carport... I wish I could use one.. Like Sattie said, perhaps with time Miss Ellie will get more comfortable with it... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Hey Jess. We don't have a pup flap but I was thinking of getting one. I am a bit leary to do so b/c we live in the country and I am affraid that I will get other 'creatures' in the house.
We thought of getting a pup flap for a while, but my boyfriend always said that he didnt want it on his door. And plus, will all of the crazy and wild neighborhood cats around here... I really dont want to see what would happen if one of them were to get in the house....
yah we have one. Took a while to get the pug girls thru it. took pushing them in and out of it and praising them and holding ti open and calling them and finally they got teh clue phone and go thru it. lol just forcing tehm to use it then making them have to and then they will!:D
Thnks guys! I've had it propped open all day and she seems to use it like that without me pushing her out! I'll get her used to that and then move onto the next step I think; going though with the flap down! Eek! I'll let y'all know how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Chimi would probably run right through the darn thing, since he's so nutty and fearless... but he's got his litter box at all times - so it's all good!
I will totally keep my fingers crossed for you guys and Ellie, and Chimi will keep his paws crossed for her! Go Ellie! You can do it! LOL.
mia_and_chimi wrote: Chimi would probably run right through the darn thing, since he's so nutty and fearless... but he's got his litter box at all times - so it's all good!
I will totally keep my fingers crossed for you guys and Ellie, and Chimi will keep his paws crossed for her! Go Ellie! You can do it! LOL.
Well it's been a few weeks since we installed the flap and Ellie will go through it but wont come back in! I left her out there this morning after she'd gone out to do her business to try and get her to come back through by herself. I felt terrible about it, but if I keep letting her in she will never learn to come through it! So I ignored her whining, but then she started barking! I think it was a new tactic to get me to let her in to be honest. This was 7:00am and I was worried she'd disturb my neighbours, but still I left her. Well she was out there for an hour! At which point I gave up and opened the door. Not good. I will try again next time she goes out, but to be honest I dont hld out much hope. Argh! Suggestions anyone?