Awwwww... poor little Chimi's gone and lost his pride!!!
I was at our monthly Chihuahua meetup here in Philly, and all was going fine and well. There had been tons and tons of other Chis there that Chimi had met last month, and everyone appeared to be having a great time. So the girl that runs the group has two male Chihuahuas who frequent the apartment of the host all of the time. They had seemed like they thought the apartment was their territory there, and they had been very snippy and grumpy most of the time. They hadnt been like this the last time, but it was in a different location.
So Chimi kept on harassing Mario, one of the Chis that was being really grumpy. He kept on jumping up in Mario's face and biting all over his ears and such. I didnt think there would be a problem with it because Mario and Chimi had such a fun time playing before... but Mario actually went after Chimi really really hard. Chimi started screaming, but he wasnt hurt after we broke it up. The second time Mario went after Chimi was in my boyfriend's lap while they both sat in a chair. Chimi's pride was damaged over anything else, and he didnt leave my lap the entire time at the party after all of this.
He seems to be so traumatized... other than the fact that Cimi was bugging poor Mario to death, any explanations as to why Mario got so mad? Mario's mom also told me that Mario was recently neutered, and not happy about any of that either. Chimi is still curled up in my lap at the moment, and I can soooo tell that he's still moping about his friend, Mario, and his lost pride!! (He did get his little hiney whooped.) LOL.
I've tried to cheer him up with scraps from McDonalds, Greenies, and even some play time... how can I cheer him up??
Poor Chimi... Unfortunately, with multiple male chis someone has to be the alpha male.. This comes from the lady with 5 male chis! Sounds like a dominance move on Mario's part to me...Not meant to inflict major damage but to establish himself as alpha. The only consolation for little Chimi is mom's affection.. just keep lovin' on him!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Poor Chimi!! I would have to agree with Deb... and just love on him so that he knows that he is #1 with you... well at least next to the BF! I can see where that could knock him down a notch or 2, but Chimi will come through it like a pro, you wait and see!!
It's morning now, and though he had to sleep in his crate at the bf's house, he's been snuggled up with me under a blankee ever since he woke up. He did play a little this morning, but when we were dropped off at my mom's he wanted to get right back under my shirt on my belly at the computer and cuddle some more. LOL.
He's been getting an over abundance of treats, and also I've noticed a really huge change in the way he's acting with other dogs this morning. He's now being VERY protective with me over all of my mom's dogs... and he knows they would never hurt me! He's grown up with all of them so far... but my mom's mastiff can be quite annoying, and Chimi's giving him a hard time about putting his head in my lap. It's really crazy too, because I've never seen Chimi go after his uncle Kip before either... maybe Mario was trying to teach Chim how to be tough? If that is the case, then he certainly succeeded! None of the other dogs could even steal Chimi's treats this morning... and usually they always jack his stuff right out from under his nose!
He's not letting himself get picked on at all this morning... LOL.
Oh no! Poor Chimi! That is such a shame what happened at the meeting! I guess it was, as others have said, a case of the 'alpha' asserting his position.
I hope Chimi gets back to his old self soon, Ellie send him a cuddle and a kiss!