Oh, it is so nice to meet the clan!!!! And what a beautiful family! So what is the story on the babies??? I remember you saying that you were not suppose to have them right? Please tell us more and hey, if you got more pics, post them too!!!! The little babies are too cute!!!
What a wonderful family... I believe you are our first French chi gang! Your chis are just beautiful and those babies are soooo cute... I'm like Sattie, what's the story behind the little ones that you aren't supposed to have?? More pics please.. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I could of sworn I replied to this earlier but I don't see my reply... hmm
well here it is again regardless! YOUR chis are soooooooo cute! I would love to steal any of them. I love your lil merle girl best.. she has such a beautiful head and face! They all are adorable though! CONGRATS and be sure to share lots and lots of pictures okay!!!
The colors on all of your merles are to die for!!!! I love your sable boy too, and the puppies are so cute cute cute!!!! I cant wait to see even more pics! LOL!!!
Avara, your family is absolutely adoreable! Violet is very beautiful. Must be so much fun with all those lilttle feet around you. I know my girls make my days more fun. I can't wait to see more pictures. Again, welcome to the site!!!
Since you're asking for it... here's the babies' story :)
When Violet was 9 months old, I took her to a show. She had been looking quite bad for two or three days, so I decided to ask a chi breeder... Do you think she's pregnant ? and the breeder answered "could be!". The vet checked a few days later that she was 5 weeks pregnant !! How could this happen, Awen had been neutered ????
When Violet got 7,5 months old, I got Awen neutered because I didn't want anything to happen. No babies whatsoever ! Unity had had her first heat with 14 months, so I thought it was early enough.The very evening I brought Awen back from the vet, I realized that Violet was losing a little blood and that Awen was over-excited. He and Violet well... did it, although he had not been particularly attracted to her in the past few days ! We did not try to stop him because we thought nothing could have happened thanks to his operation.
Well, when I realized that Violet was pregnant, so young, I got really scared. I went to the vet, he checked that everything was okay, and we decided upon a caesarian. At that time I thought that I would sell the babies, I did not imagine having 5 chis.
A few days later, Byron and Beluga were born, two gorgeous little chis, a lavender furball and a blue merle baby ;) We simply could not resist !! the first few days were very tough, especially for Byron. Violet had no milk so I had to bottle-feed them every 2 hours, but Byron did not want to eat :( He lost 30% of his weight during the first 5 days. But then Violet started to produce some milk, and Byron finally started to eat! We were so relieved !! Well it's a long story, but now I'm keeping both of them
Wow sounds like those babies were just meant to be with you! No way I could let them go either...They are so beautiful and now you have a complete family... Great story. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Wow, I never would have thought that they could get pregnant that young. Tells you how much I know. But hey, you got 2 wonderful looking babies and a beautiful Chi family!!! Thanks for sharing the story.