Well guys I got him! I got my baby Hamster! He is a 5 week old long coat yellow boy, and sooo sweet! I've got him the coolest house EVER but so far all he's done is hide in his bedding! lol
But now I need your help; I cant decide on a name for him, so I thought I'd ask you lot! Please vote for one in my shortlist, and I'll name him whichever is the most voted! (Probably! ) I think I'm leaning towards Smudge, but just to be sure please help me!
Well I'm in the minority. I like Hamish..lol Don't ask why cuz I don't know..lol I just think it suits a hamster. Hamish...to be or not to be..that is the question...lol
Well, after careful consideration and a lot of testing it out I have decided to call him Smudge.
It turns out Hamish is the Scottish version of James and a I already have two James' in my life (my boyfriend, and my cousin whom I am v.close to) I thought I'd forget that idea!
Thank you all for participating! I think his full name will be Smudge Loki Houdini Sanders. What do y'all think?