As some of you will know I have recenrtly changed Ellie to a new food, Pero. Well, after being on it for a couple of weeks, it transpires she has another allergy! What a sensitive pup! I knew she had an intolerance to maize, it makes her itch, so I made sure Pero didn't have any maize in it. She still scratched like there's no tomorrow! Soya I think is the culprit! So, another change, this time to The Natural Dog Food Company's All in One. It is the first holistic dog food of it's kind, so fingers crossed!
The 'All in One' range of complete dog foods.
The natural diet of the dog is whole meat, carbohydrate and vegetable matter. The raw materials used in our products reflect this principle in a formulation which can be optimally digested and assimilated.
We use 'whole food' principles - no ingredients have been denatured by prior processing.
The meat protein in our foods is from top quality human grade carcasses and we do not use products from inhumane farming systems. This is combined with a range of easily digested grain cereals, exluding wheat, and including other cereals such as rice, oats, barley and others. Vegetable herbage is also part of the formulation providing essential nutrients once available to the dog through the predigested grasses and herbage in the stomach of its prey.
I was reading up on health issues last night and came across stuff on allergies.... and saw they recommend dog food made with duck for dogs.... don't recall where this was or what brands have duck but may be something that may help your little one......
Good luck, Jess Rylie has food allergies as well to wheat and possibly chicken (and probably corn, but she has never been on a food with corn as the ingredient). She is on a food right now where bison is the protein source (Timberwolf Organics). It seems as if we have a lot more food choices here in the US for our pups.
I hope the new food works out for Ellie and that you can narrow down her allergins.
Some common signs of food allergies are watery eyes, chronic and reoccuring ear infections, scratching, hair loss, skin infections, and hotspots (itchy red spots... many times on a dog's feet... and they will chew their feet to scratch them).
The most common allergin in dog food is corn... but beef, dairy, soy, chicken, and wheat are other common allergins.
There are also food intolerances, which cause vomiting, diarhhea, and gas.
Well Ellie has now been on the new food for about two weeks and she seems to be doing very well on it! Yay! I dont think the old stuff and its effects are completely out of her system just yet, but already the scratching is dramatically reduced. I am very happy so far with this new food and hope to continue using it. Ellie's such a sensitive little girl I am hugely relieved at the thought of finally having found the right food!
I'll write again in another couple of weeks to give you all an update.
That is super news JESS!!! I am currently in transistion with Boots, it will be another month befor he is fully off the old food and explicitily on the Blue Buffalo diet for senior dogs. Hope it will help! I am so glad this one is working out for ya....
HOORAY!! I'm so glad that Ellie is finally doing well on this new food! I feed Chimi Innova EVO, I had initially fed him Nutro Max, but I decided to go all organic and human grade with him. He's got some hypoglycemia (sp?) issues, and he also has to be fed small meals 3 or 4 times a day. And he's incredibly finicky and picky to boot! I know what its like to have food troubles with your chi, and I'm glad that you've fixed it!!
LOL! Certain small breeds are prone to it, especially really small Chihuahuas... at least that's what my vet told me. I am hypoglycemic myself, and I do think that alot of the symptoms are the same. So I understand him well, but I didnt find out about it until I had started to cut back his feedings to about twice a day. He stopped eating one day, and he sort of knit picked at snibbets of food here and there... I had been offering him food all day long! He got so lethargic that when I put him in my bf's yard to potty, he laid down on the deck, and peed while he was laying there... and then he just stared at me. I knew something was wrong... so I rushed back to my mom's house and cooked up some hamburger with a bit of garlic in it PRONTO for him... and he gobbled it up. He was fine in about 10 minutes!
I am the same way... If I dont eat at least twice a day I'll hit the ground so hard it hits me back. LOL.
Oh Mia! I'm exactly the same! I have to eat every few hours otherwise I go the same way-down! lol Oh well, I suppose it's a good thing that we both know how to deal with it as from the sounds of it we're gunna be seeing a lot of eachother?! Ellie keeps on going on about puppies and your house or something! lol lol