Does anyone else get strange looks from your chis while doing things or chores around the house? Today I decided I was going to get on my treadmill. Well I did and Beni stood like a statue staring at me with a strange look like "What are you doing on that thing mom?". Bella gives me looks in mornings when I am getting ready for work. These looks are so cute and funny...I can't help but laugh and this morning on the treadmill Beni really cracked me up. He finally left after about 5 minutes of looking at me.
Yea, I get them to... when I am getting ready for work or cleaning something. Usually when I am doing something that takes my attention away from them... mainly Binks, he will come up to the back of my legs and put his front paws on them and stretch and scratch to get me to look down at him and give him a pat. I guess Boots has been around enough that he really does not seem impressed or interested in the things I do unless it will envolve in him getting a treat of some sort.
I guess they have a general curiostiy too and when they see you doing something that you have not done before, they just watch and wonder. Maybe to see if it will include them somehow. I can see Bella lookin at ya with those deep meaningful stares or Beni and his bewildered looks.
Oh yea... I get the looks from Hou too, and they also crack me up. He will be giving me this blank like stare, and one ear with kind of half turn and go back.... then straighten out...then back. It's like he wants to check on other things around the house, but he also wants to know what in the bejeebies I'm doing.
Oh I definitely get the looks from Chimi. I think it's the funniest thing on the planet. Especially when I am applying makeup. He stares and stares at that action for the longest. I have no idea why.