I love it newfie!!! Sailfins, angels, gourami's... you got it all girlie and they are beautiful!!! I am so glad you posted some pics for me... us fishy folks gotta stick together!!!
Thanks everyone:) I really love my fish tank. Next to the dogs, they are the best thing for me to sit and relax with after a long day at work. I have always loved angel fish. I dont know why, but there is something about them that just makes me want to keep looking at them. Those two were very small when I bought them, and I have had such a wonderful time watching them grow and become more beautiful. They are about the size of my hand now. Hubby cant believe how big they got. Now I wish I had a larger tank. I would like to see just how big they would grow.
Thank you xmasgirl43. It helps when they think everytime I go near them, they are going to get a treat. They just kinda hover waiting for me to drop something in the tank..lol