Well, I have been talking to Deb about my birds. She was laying eggs, and deb said I should have a nest box. So, out I went and got one. One week later, this is what I see in the box...lol
I took these pictures tonight of Tweety and Mrs. Green. Who USE to be MR. Green until a few weeks ago..
I'm glad Deb doesn't live that far away. The babies can fly to her house...lol
I'll take those babies... and the lovie condo...They are happy now that they have a home for their eggs!! You done good Newfie...Can't wait till they hatch to see the babies... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Just and update, there is now SIX eggs in that nest. I think deb has but a hex on me..lol If they all hatch, I'm gonna send em all to live with auntie debby..lol
Seven eggs?! Wow! I had no idea birds could actually have that many babies at one time! :omd: I cant wait to see them! I kinda have a thing for Love Birds, I plan on getting some in a ew years time. I just adore them!
Well Jess, I didn't know they would lay that many eggs either! I'm sure not all of them will hatch as she had laid a couple on the bottom of the cage before I got her a house. If she can hatch out a few of them it will be ok. I can't wait til they hatch either:)
Oh my gosh...I just ran upon this post and this is sooooo esciting...Oh I can hardly wait to see pics of the new birdies!!! Mrs. Green and Tweety are so beautiful!!!
Well, no babies yet. But the GOOD news is that there are still only seven eggs..lol I think she finally stopped laying now. She does NOT like me looking in her condo though. She gets all fierce looking and opening her beak at me. I'm like, hey girl, I'm just making sure you are ok there..lol I am trying not to bother her much as she seems to be sitting on the eggs more now. I only see her probably twice a day for something to eat and drink, then she goes right back in the condo. I am thinking that we should have babies sometime this week.
I can hear ya snortin!!! Too funny! I imagine that is what they look like... I know baby hamsters look the same way! Look like chewed up bubble gum wads crawlin around!
Hubby and I were sitting down to eat dinner in the livingroom. We just started to eat, and it got really quiet. Then we hear this Peep Peep Peep. We looked at each other. I said what the heck is that noise? Then the light when on...ohhhhh...Babies!!!! Richard got up and looked in the condo..and this is what we saw.
Hey Gummy, We been waiting on ya! You have 2 little cousins born today too in Georgia! Now let's get to work producing some fuzz or feathers or something to cover that little nekked body of yours... it's winter time...
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Well Gummy has two siblings now. Three little nekked babies.:) It was quite a surprise to look in there today and see all three of the wiggling around..lol
Way to go lovies!!! Gummy, don't letem' forget that you are number 1!! Your cousins are still hiding, so we can't be sure how many we have here... I am sooo very excited!!! I want a lovebird!!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Ok..another update..there are now four baby gummies in the condo. Three eggs left to hatch. Heaven help me if they all hatch...lol I don't think they will. Mama bird is NOT happy when I bother her, so I am just limiting myself to checking real quick and putting the lid back on the condo. It was soooo cut today though. When I was checking on the babies, one of the was on his back and he yawned soo wide. It cracked me up!! They are actually starting to look like birds now.lol I will try and get some pics maybe next week once she calms down and I figure all the rest of them have hatched.
And the lovie clan keeps growin'! We're up to 4 finch babies as well, but we only had 5 eggs, so I imagine we have maxed out now! Considering we still have Ralphie and Alice from the first clutch, that's enough!! Can't wait to see some pics of those lovies.. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I've always loved love birds, and me and my mom always see them and want to buy them... but my step dad hates birds... and we have a big fat orange garfield cat that thinks he's the great hunter. LOL.
Ok people...I took some pics tonight when I got home from work. Mama was NOT happy and was screeching at me from the corner of the cage..poor thing. The babies started hatching on the 16th so they are only a few days old. Have fun trying to sort out body parts..lol
Hey wow Newf, those birds are amazing! Is it my imagination, or are they getting fluffy already? It might just be the photo quality or something, I dont know.
I love their little yellow beaks, they're so cute!
Looking forward to the next photos!
Deb, you're not pulling your weight there girl! Get some pics of your babies too!
Ok everyone, here are some pics I took of the babies at a week old today. When I was taking the pics, I noticed that the eggs that had still been in there are gone. Now I looked in the gummy pile, and I can see some itty bitty bodies. I think the other three eggs hatched. I can definitely see one in the bottom corner of one of the pics, but it is hard to tell because they are always piled on top of each other. Soooo, if the other eggs hatched, there should be seven babies in there now..lol I can count six, but there are no eggs left in there, so I am assuming they hatched as well. That is a big difference in age. The others will be at least a week older then they are, so I am hoping they don't get lost in the shuffle. I have been checking on them every day, and they are all moving around, so I'm sure that the smaller ones are getting fed too. The parent birds are doing a great job. Anyways, here are the pics. Hope you enjoy them.:)
Newfie, you have miracle babies! I can't believe the difference in the times they hatched... Momma and Poppa birdies must be excellent parents to be able to keep up with feeding that many little ones... Congrats! Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Wow, these birdies just keep on making me gasp in amazement! I cant believe the other eggs hatched a week after the first lot! I had no idea at all that that was even possible!
I cant wait to see how they all turn out! Do you have any idea what colours you'll have?