Every once and a while I like to put this blog to good use - to serve the public interest. Today is such a day. DJ Dates saw a post I had done earlier on a nasty-faced white tiger and forwarded to me this photo and the story of a fraud.
Click the link above for the whole story, but let me give you a brief summary. White tigers are portrayed as rare, endangered beasts to be conserved and cherished. The reality is that they almost only occur in captivity and are the result of generations of inbreeding. Most white tiger cubs are so deformed that either they don't survive cubhood, or are too mangled to be displayed to the public. It is estimated that only 1 in 30 such cubs will ever grow to adulthood to be put on display.
The photo below is of one such individual - malformed from excessive inbreeding. Thanks, DJ Dates and www.bigcatrescue.org, for the info and the disillusionment.
It saddens my heart to know what people will do for money.... and when it comes down to it, $$$$ is the bottom line and we all (including animals) pay the price for it. It is SICK!