Deb, I love, love how you take so many pictures for us to see! I am always overjoyed to see your pups! They always look so happy and healthy, you must do such a great job on looking after them! x
Thanks guys... for the nice comments on the babies... I love the shot of Bandy with his little tongue sticking out.. Jenn, if you do get chewy bones for your guys be sure to get the ones made in the USA, not China, Mexico, Thailand, etc. I have read that some of them are not healthy for the pups. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
chiDeb wrote: Thanks guys... for the nice comments on the babies... I love the shot of Bandy with his little tongue sticking out.. Jenn, if you do get chewy bones for your guys be sure to get the ones made in the USA, not China, Mexico, Thailand, etc. I have read that some of them are not healthy for the pups. Deb