We got Hershey a new sweater for fall & winter. He will need it when he ventures out to see his Grandma. He wasn't too thrilled about having it on. The last pic I thought was just a cute capture of him (though his eyes look a little funky LOL).
Yeah, he doesn't look best pleased about the whole idea, does he? He's such a dagg, I just love Hershey! It's a lovely jumper, the colours suit him perfectly! x
Ok...Hershey is still cracking me up with his face expressions. What a cute guy you have I like the colors in that sweater...I would love to have one like that for Beni.
I love Hershey's new sweater, the color is very nice and suits him well! In the second picture, it looks like he is saying "Alright, mom, I want this off NOW!" Hehe
I just love that Hershey!! His sweater is totally suited to him, the colors and pattern just perfect... I just hope the little guy learns to like it...He really didn't look too excited! Sassy looks very elegant in her hooded coat... and she'll probably like it better in the cold weather...
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Yep, I figure that when we venture out with them this fall & winter, they will be more than happy to have the clothes on! LOL! I took Hershey out about a week ago, before we got the new, bigger sweater, and he near about froze to death! I had to wrap him up in an old coat of mine and keep the van heater going.