We finally found a collar that is small enough to put on Bandy.. Since he is 17 weeks old, he is very late in getting used to wearing one. Most of my pups get theirs around 8 weeks old. Needless to say, he was not exactly enthusiastic!!
"What's this Mom put around my neck"
"I think I can chew it off if I just get my mouth on it"
"Oh well, at least I look cute in the darn thing"
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Thanks guys... He is a tiny little rascal but has a Napoleonic complex.. lol Thinks he's a big guy!!
Jess, it is hard to believe that he's 17 weeks old, but time flies. When Bandy received his last shot at the vet he weighed 1 pound 7 ounces. That was less than 2 weeks ago. When we brought him home he weighed a whopping 9 ounces-- We worried alot about his eating if you remember..He definitely required alot more care and diligence than the average pup.
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I do remember Deb, it was a very scary time for you (and us watching you!). But you really did an excellent job on him hon, he is thriving now isn't he?! In fact he's turning intro such a lovely young man than it is a pity you and I are so far away; he'd make an excellent sire to Ellie's pups! Either Bandy or Binks!