I always love seeing them! You have some VERY nice pics there! Could you resize them a little smaller? The max allowed size here is supposed to be 700 x 500 pixels.
Sorry about the photo size... for some reason photobucket automatically resizes the photos under Ian's account, so I assumed it would resize mine as well. I'm going through Photobucket and resizing the pics right now :D So hopefully it will reflect the new sizes asap!
Jessie it's be way to long since we say the crew!! They are absolutely adorable... In the first picture, Rylie looks like she feels about Chloe like Spikey does about Bandy!! LOL Annoying little siblings...
I love the one of Madison with the tongue out... Has Madison lost weight? The face looks considerably thinner than I remembered.. Great photos, thanks for posting them. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Beautiful photos of beautiful dogs! They're all so gorgeous, but that Rylie is stunning! Seriously, you should consider showing her, she's very pretty. Her head reminds me greatly of Ellie's.
Thanks for sharing them with us sweetie! Keep 'em comin'!
Thanks Jess! I really wish that I had shown Rylie, but I had her spayed when she was 6 months old Her dad was gorgeous and has his championship. Rylie really does remind me of Ellie, and I think Ellie is stunning!
Thanks, girls :D It is really hard to get a group shot of them, because one of them usually messes things up! Madison kept jumping off of the bed, so it was hard to get him to sit still for the pic
I love your chis!! For some reason, Madison catches my eye!! She is so cute! But omg I love Chloes eyes and LOVE Rylie she is so cute too! I am speechless everytime you post a pic!