Bless Booty's little heart! His expression looks like: "I'm so wondering what I'm doing out here. It's hot, the sun is in my eyes, and there's dirt on my feet.... I wanna got back inside."
Thanks Sattie!!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Oh, I just adore Boots! I think it's the lop-sided ears that get me, but whatever it is, he sure is a gorgeous 'senior'! george Clooney better watch his back, I think Boots could take over! hehehe!
awww I love boots. How much does he weigh, Sattie? i weigh Harley on our scale at home yesterday and it said he weigh 11....??????? I don't believe it bc he was 6.8 only 2 weeks ago at the vet. BUT GOSH HOW MUCH BIGGER IS HE GONNA GET?!
Boots is a hefty dog at 10 to 11 lbs. Believe it or not, he use to weigh 20 lbs at one time. It took over 2 years to get him back down to his normal weight.