Hey all! I have just switched from using IE to using Firefox as my browser. I think I'm gonna like it. I'm just wondering what browser you all use. Anyone else using Firefox? If so, you happy with it? Thanks!
I use IE... corporate issue, not even a choice for me. But I am kinda old school when it comes to stuff like this... (Megan calls it the Cave Woman syndrome) If it aint broke, then don't fix it.
I use my work PC for everything... I am sure I will be fired for it one of these days!!!
I have been using IE for years but a couple weeks ago I got Mozilla Firefox. I use both now. I like the Mozilla but I am so used to IE that I still use it primarily. I have had trouble with some sites before with IE that I don't with Mozilla.
I have a mac and use Safari. Very happy with it. It tried Firefox a couple times and I liked it very much but for some strange reason, my vertical scroll bar would not work as it should, so I went back to Safari.
I also have an imac - switched to Firefox about six months ago and have been very happy with it. I had a problem with Safari (can't remember now what it was)!
I use IE, but James has been banging on about me switching to Firefox for 18 months now! He says it's more secure; you're less likely to pick up viruses, or something.
I use IE, but James has been banging on about me switching to Firefox for 18 months now! He says it's more secure; you're less likely to pick up viruses, or something.
Love, Jess x
Yeah, I heard that too, and I know from hearing it and now seeing it, Firefox is doing wonderful at catching popups. I was still getting quite a bit of them with IE.
I use IE also. OH AND I am using my work computer too :) but my dad is my boss so it's all good! That is all he does too, look up dirtbike or fishing stuff.
Well, I went back to IE. Firefox was very nice in most ways but there were a couple things that didn't suit me. Over all I still think it's a pretty good browser. I appreciate the input from you all.