Awwwwwwww...he is SO CUTE!!! And you have green grass there!! I have forgotten what that looks He is so sweet. I am glad to hear he is getting better with his harness. Chuwee still doesn't like it when the leash touches his tail, so most of the time when we walk, he walks sideways a It cracks me up.
Thanks for the compliments, ladies. I'm a bit biased, but he is adorable
Yes, our grass is still green, we've been getting lots of rain this year. And yes, it is a nice quiet neighborhood. 50 year old ranch homes, mostly retired folks, but as they move out we're getting some nice young families. That's our house in the background of the one picture, my hubby and Rufus are standing in our neighbor's driveway.
What a beautiful little boy! Those are really wonderful photos Lin. The harness and leash do look so cute on him... More pics anytime would be great.... Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Lin, lovely photos!!!! Rufus is growing into a handsome young man. And yes, I can see he is doing better with the harness/collar. Oh, and I love the pic where he is showing that leaf who is boss!!! Grrrrrr.. ruff ruff!!! Enjoyed the pics Lin!!! Thanks sweetie!
Yay! The long awaited pictures of Rufus! He's growing fast isn't he? And he looks great with it! I love the third photo of him looking up at you adoringly, he's so sweet!
He is so cute! Where did you get that harness? Everywhere I go to get one they are really thin and i don't liek them like that. I want a thick one like that.
Jennifer, that's a Lupine harness, got it at the vet but you can also order them on line. They are nice and thick and don't seem to fray as easily, but are still available in a size perfect for our little guys. I've tried a number of different kinds of harness, and these seem to work the best for Rufus because it has two clips, one around the neck and one around the belly, so you don't have to pull it over his head. I think that's what he really hated at the beginning!
Plus they come in beautiful colors!!!! And not too expensive - I think around $12 if I remember right.