Well, I had another scare with Hershey last night. I swear, my nerves were so messed up I couldn't see straight. We has tacos for supper last night and a while later Hershey managed to get a hold of about a tablespoon of the taco meat mixture. He had an awful allergic reaction to it! He almost instantly broke out in red welts and bumps all over his while body. I was freaking out! I immediatly called the emergency vet that is open 24/7 around here and told them what had happened. They told me to go buy some Benadryl tabs and give him half of one of them, then another 8 hrs after that.
It was right at midnight when I got the meds into him. I felt so bad for him and he looked just awful. He seemed to feel ok other than a little itching, but the welts on his lil snout seemed to be bothering him most. They are all over his neck, chest, head, & his entire back and sides. He is much better today. He had his 2nd dose of Benadryl at 8 am and the red welts/splotches seem to be gone for the most part. I'm so relieved. Thank God my baby is ok. I can normally deal with things very well, but I'm a basket case when something happens to one of my 'kids'.
Anyway, I thought I'd share this and assure everyone that all is well now. I'll never let him get ahold of taco mixture again for sure! It's prob all the dang chili pepper and such that the stuff was loaded with. I was a bad Mom... I should have made sure he didn't get into it. I feel so guilty for this happening and am just so, SO thankful to God that he is ok.
OMG!!! I can just imagine how scarey that must of been. You are not a bad mom though. It was an accident and he is ok, so don't give yourself too much of a hard time. I am glad he is fine now. I will definitely know too not to let mine get a hold of any taco meat now.
Awww, poor Hershey and poor mom! Glad he's okay now. My vet told me to just have some benedryl tabs on hand for reactions to shots and such. So far Rufus hasn't had a problem.
Don't beat yourself up, dear - the little nippers get into things so quickly, and you can't always have your eye on him!
Jenn, I know you were beside yourself with worry... Poor Hershey baby... I am so glad he is doing better today...I also keep Benadryl tablets here for the pups since Spikey was bitten by what we assume was a spider and was so swollen.. Thanks for the warning, and give Hershey a kiss for us... Deb
-- Edited by chiDeb at 15:02, 2006-09-30
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Wow, taco meat????? My dogs dance around for it but I never give it to them.... and I am glad I dident!!! Yea, sounds like it was a stressful night for you and the family. Glad to hear he is doing better and is getting to enjoy himself today. Thanks for sharing... good to know that taco meat is a NO NO!
Holy cow! I am so glad to hear he is ok now. That sounds so scary. It just amazes me how many things I think wouldn't harm a dog really can make them very ill.
Dont beat yourself up, just earlier I found Ellie playing with a drawing pin!
You know, Fajitas (similar to Tacos?) and I dont get on too well either! I once had them right before I got an ear infection and was hideously sick. I tell you, once you've had fajitas coming out of your nose you dont touch them ever again!
GLAD TO HEAR EVERYTHINGS OK...It is the worse thing when our pups get sick.. the worst part is they can't tell us whats wrong so we feel absolutly helpless...sending some love from PEACH and I...