Welllll.... there is a stupid movie I watched called Meet the Parents. In that movie, there is a cat called Jinxie (sp?). Robert Deniro sings a song to the cat....
Jinxie cat Jinxie cat, where are you? I love you.... I sing it to Binks by changing it to Binky-cat.
Anywho, I talk to them to so I guess that is just as crazy looking as singing to them!!!
That is cute you sing to your chis. I usually don't cause I just can't carry a tune for nothing. I talk to mine though and sometimes use a sqeeky (sp?) voice. If I do sing it is not really a known song just something I make up.
Sattie...lol...at the Jinxie song. Cracked me up when I read that.
Gee, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Three of my cats have special songs I sing to them ("Beautiful Blue Eyes" to my blue-eyed siamese spot, "O Phanny Boy" to my black cat Phantom, and "You are my Phiggy" (You are MY Sunshine) to Phigment.
And yes, I sing to Rufus too. His song is to the tune "Cupid".
I sing to Bella and my cats all the time. I think they are the only ones that like it though LOL. I make up different songs and sing kids song and change the words to fit them. I guess we are all dorks but we are happy dorks so who cares.
Westcoastchihuahuas, that is too funny! I sing 'Cant take my eyes off you' to Ellie! (I switch the word baby in the chorus for Ellie) I think it's by Frankie Valli, but I'm not sure. I've been doing it since the first night I had her!
I sing the "Zaccheus was a wee little man" song to Houdini, and of course, changing the name to Houdini. I'll have him on his hand legs, and "dancing" around with his front paws.
He used to really not like it. Would stand there looking at me like "Kill me. Kill me now". I guess he resigned himself, because he perks up now lol
Well now, I thought I was the only one that sings to the dogs...thank GOODNESS I am not the only one..lol
Chuwee I get to singing the Name Game song...Chuwee, boowee, bo boo wee, bananafanafofooweeeee, fee fi fo mooieee...Chuweeeeeeeeee.. He spazes out and runs around looking like he is dancing.
Zip I sing to her the Song of the South.. Zippidy do dah, zippidy a..my o' my what a wonderful day. She stares at me like I have five heads..lol It's funny.
And of course one just has to sing the Chuhuahua song..lol