I love the squeaky blanket, that is too cool! I know Binks would get a kick out of something like that. I will have to keep my eye out for one. Cute pics of Fang, she is really diggin that blankie!
Aw! Cute I have not seen anything like that. She looks so occupied with that. BTW...I love the name Fang. I met a chi awhile back with that name and I loved it since.
I think those blankets were about $5, they have about 12 sqeekers all built into the squares, they come pink/purple or orange/blue. e-mail me your addy and I'll send one out to you. shipping to the states is cheaper than shipping to canada, isn't that bizzare? I am in canada!
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Lovely shots! How old is Fang now? That first pic is such a puppy pose isn't it?! SO sweet!
She's a gorgeous Chi actually, really very pretty. I have a bit of a thing about black and tans at the moment; want to put Ellie to one if I can find one!
Fang is 11 months right now. She is a doll, thank goodness she's our alpha dog, she is the best behaved, house broken at 8 weeks (1 accident) learned come at 12 weeks as well as sit, and she can be trusted 100% off leash since she was 5 months old. She is my hubby's dog, I bought her for him for valentines day, and she goes everywhere with him, even work!
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Fang is gorgeous! I love the blankie...*squeak* *squeak*. Radar would absolutely love it. He loves anything and everything that squeaks. I'll have to keep a look out for a blankie for him. How are your other babies?