Great pics, Jenn... I am shocked to see three of Jax at one time!!! And he is even looking at the camera instead of running away!!! Did you dope him up?? They are so precious and Sassy looks like she's lived with ya'll her whole life! She sure fits right in, huh? Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
What sweet pictures! They are all so adorable. Congrats on getting Jax to sit still - I'm having that problem right now with Rufus - he's running around so much that all you get is a picture of his little butt
Thanks Guys! Yep, Jax is a blue & white. He's got a small bit of tan on him. He was kinda on my leg with my hand near, so he didn't run. He wanted to though, and he was shaking. Luckily, even though he hates pics, he will usually look at the camera. I'm wanting to get 1 pic with all three of them in it, but it's proving hard to do. They move or Jax runs.
Gorgeous photos of your 'furballs' there! Lovely to see Jax, he is looking great! As do Sassy and Hershey. Has Hershey lost a little weight, he looks rather trim in that fourth pic?!
Great to see them all, congrats on gatting some of the allusive Jax!
Has Hershey lost a little weight, he looks rather trim in that fourth pic?!
Wow, do you think so? I've had him on a 'diet' for about a week and a half now, maybe 2 weeks. I need to weigh him. I will try to find the scales and then update this post. My Mom said today he looks like he has lost. I'm hoping he has! He was last weighing in right about at 13.5 lbs.
EDIT: Well, I'm thrilled!!! We checked with 2 different scales (I had to be sure) and Hershey is down to 10.5 lbs now! YAY!!!! I've been cuting his treats in half and cut out almost ALL table treats. I'm so proud of my Hershey Kiss! ALSO, Sassy is now 5.5 lbs and Jax has lost from 7 lbs to 5.5 lbs! SO all is going as I hoped! Jax looks heavier than Sassy but that's because Sassy is much longer and taller than he is. Now I hope to get Hershey to lose about another half a pound and I hope to keep Sassy and Jax steady at around their current weights.
Hey, that is wonderful, well done! I know how hard it can be to ease up on the treats and snacks, especially when they're used to them, they look at you with those big dark eyes like you're torturing them! They'll thank you and be a lot happier in the end though.
Keep up the good work, and congrats again! Love, Jess x
And congrats to Hershey! 3 pounds! Thats amazing! He is looking so great!
Now if only biscuit could get down to 10 pounds...hmmm...I do have to take alot of that responsability! Im turing into one of those moms with the 300 pounds 3 year olds yous ee on Maury, that the kids eat whatever they want whenever they want! AHHHHH I need help! Please tell me how you did it! I need the strength!
And congrats to Hershey! 3 pounds! Thats amazing! He is looking so great!
Now if only biscuit could get down to 10 pounds...hmmm...I do have to take alot of that responsability! Im turing into one of those moms with the 300 pounds 3 year olds yous ee on Maury, that the kids eat whatever they want whenever they want! AHHHHH I need help! Please tell me how you did it! I need the strength!
*Sending strength vibes*
I was only able to do it because I kept thinking about the health problems the extra weight could cause. I just couldn't NOT do it. I just cut him down and would just give him like half of a treat at a time instead of like 2 treats at a time. Also, now only treat about once a day, and I was treating 2 or 3 times a day. I cut the table food out, only let him lick an empty plate every now and then. Also got the cat food out of his reach. I found it easier to do than I thought. Good luck!
Way to go!! I need someone to cut out my "treats!" Since retirement, I have much more oportunity to eat!!! Hershey will definitely be healthier... Good going ,Jenn.. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.