I have a funny little story. I came home from work yesterday and Harley was in the kitchen and when i open the door he usually is right there waiting but he wasn't so i went in and he was on the table! Donno how he did it but our chairs are a cloth material so i guess he climbed up one of them and somehow got on the table. But he was stuck, he couldn't get down and he literally leaped into my arms and I had to catch him. It was cute.
Jenn, that actually made me laugh out loud! Kind of embarressing as I was in a room full of people not reading your story! I just got this instant mental image of Harley waiting on the table! Too funny!
I am in a constant state of amazment as to just how high Ellie can jump. She can now get up onto a a seat that is like three feet high! Such amazing little pupd aren't they?!
he was very jittery, like he wanted down soooo bad and he leaped into my arms b4 i could even get to the table! It was cute but I have caught him doing it again and now he jumps off.