Well, over the last several days, I have noticed a change in Binks and I am not sure what to make of it. He has been dour in nature... really does not seem to have that pep in his step that I am use to seeing. He also seems a bit skittish when he is in my lap. If I move just a tiny bit, he bolts from my lap like the sky is falling. He has been sleeping more lately and I have noticed a bit of crustyness around his eyes... it is not visible, but I can feel it. He will be 3 in October. He is eating normally too. Is it possible that he is responding to allergies??? I know over the last week or so that I have not been feeling to great... and I know dogs can experience similar issues. Or is he reaching the age where he is taking on that typical Chihuahua demeanor?
I just want my Binky-Cat back!!! Plus we are going to the beach next week and I am feeling a bit skeptical about exposing him to a different and new environment.
Poor Binky... Sounds like it's time for a check up at the vet. He is definitely too young to be taking on the "older" chi demeanor. Could be reacting to the change in the weather, but better safe than sorry... esp. right before vacation...I would sure get him checked out..Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
There's nothing really I can add but I just hate to hear that he's not feeling right. I'd just get him to the vet and see what they say. I understand completely about not wanting to take him on the vacation if he's not feeling like himself. I sure hope all goes well. Hugs to Binks!
Sorry, I meant to do this last night. Binks seems to be much better yesterday when I got home. He was playing around with me last night and being a nut. This morning... he was real fired up and seems pretty much back to normal. He is very alert and watches my every move! So I am not sure what all that episode was about. I am gonna keep an eye on the little booger and if something changes, then off to the vet he goes. He is sitting here with me now and Binks says "BARK BARK, GRRRRRRR, BARK!" That means "hello, and mommy feed me"!!!
Way to go Binky!! So glad things are back to normal with the little guy... They sure can worry us when they are under the weather... Thanks for the update.. Deb
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Sattie darling, I dont know how I missed this! I guess I still haven't quite caught up on everything I missed while away. I was really sorry and worried when I read this post. Binks is usually such a fiesty little guy, it was awful to think of him not so. Thank goodness he is back to normal! Phew, what a relief!
Please send him a cuddle and a kiss from his Auntie Jess!
Sattie, I'm so glad Binks is doing better. They do worry us, don't they? Every time Rufus slows down I worry, is he just sleepy, sulking, or sick? Of course I don't know him as well yet as you know Binks - but I do think we have a mommy instinct when something is wrong.
Hope you have a great vacation without puppy worries!!!
You guys are all the support I could ever need!!!! Yea, I feel better seeing him more like himself too. Just aint the same when he is all droopy and sad looking. He is laying here getting his daily tongue bath from Boots.... I tell you, if he could, he would have us standing over him waving palm fronds over him.
I'm catching up on reading, and went in to a panic for a minute there. So sorry to hear he was under the weather, but SO GLAD to see it seems to have a happy ending! Can't have our lil' Binksy sick!!
Houdini and I send a paw high five and a {{{hug}}} your way
I'm catching up on reading, and went in to a panic for a minute there. So sorry to hear he was under the weather, but SO GLAD to see it seems to have a happy ending! Can't have our lil' Binksy sick!!
Houdini and I send a paw high five and a {{{hug}}} your way
Thank you so much!!! It was freaking me out too!!!
Luv My Rufus wrote: Love back at ya, Sattie!
Blessings - Lin
I need to get into using these emoticons more... they are soooo cute!
Hey I am glad Binks is doing better. I was worried about him to. Sorry I am posting late....Everyone pretty much said what I was thinking. Its not fun seeing our little babies under the weather and they can't talk and tell us what is wrong. Bella out of the blue yesterday morning was sitting in my lap and just up and threw up. I think she ate too much of something that wasn't food. I still got all shook up abot it.
I'm glad that Binks is feeling alot better. My Zip wasn't feeling all that great lately either. Her eyes were runny and she just looked tuckered out. I am assuming it is allergies because today she feels alot better.
Poor things, it is so hard to figure out what is wrong when they can't tell you in words.
newf and luv2chis.... you guys are so right about trying to figure out what is wrong with them or even catch it. But of course, a day after I make the post he is starting to be more like himself.... maybe that is the key, make the post and POOF! He feels better eh? Well today, he is in fine form!!! Back to his old antics, harrassing Boots, chewing on my socks and wrestling with my feet. Boots is like "Dang, can't you go back to being sick?????"