Yes ma'am, all cichlids.... there are so many to choose from! There is a cool website that you can check out that has profiles for most all cichlids. Very helpful But I enjoy them so much and I got so many babies everywhere!
Hey Rosa, When you mentioned Oscars, I had an experience with them once. I had no experience with any fish other than "community friendly" types of fish. My ex-hub purchased a 55 gallon tank and put 6 red spot oscars in it... A few days later, there were 3, then 1. I looked everwhere to see if they could have gotten out of the tank...Never found any bodies, so I guess the one remaining fish was a cannibal and ate his tankmates!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Hey Deb.... a 55g could only house 1 oscar, and not very comfortably at that. They need lots of room and a 100 gallon is the minimum size for full grown oscars. Even with a 100g, 3 is about the most that can survive peacfully. They will eat on other fish. Hope that helps, they are awesome fish to have, but really need bigger areas and excellent filtration to flourish. If you have a pond, they would do real well in there.
Before we moved to Germany my DH had a 150 gallon tank. He had 1 albino Oscar in it He was huge 6-8 inch in diameter. We also had 2 Jack Dempsies, 1 12" long Pleco, 1 6" long Needle Nose, and a Zebra Shark. Was a nice tank. We gave them all away when we moved and sold all the fish tanks and stuff. I think he misses it, but doesn't want to go through the hassle of setting it up again.
gottaluvchis wrote: Before we moved to Germany my DH had a 150 gallon tank. He had 1 albino Oscar in it He was huge 6-8 inch in diameter. We also had 2 Jack Dempsies, 1 12" long Pleco, 1 6" long Needle Nose, and a Zebra Shark. Was a nice tank. We gave them all away when we moved and sold all the fish tanks and stuff. I think he misses it, but doesn't want to go through the hassle of setting it up again.
I bet that was beautiful and even heart breaking to half to give it all away. I love my tanks and some days it is my only sanity I can find when it comes to worldly issues.
Funny to, I had a dream yesterday where some lady came to the house with all these fish wrapped in blankets, and they got out and were swimming through the air and I was trying to catch them all and put them in the tank. Weird huh?
My opinion, the bigger the tank, the better your chances for maintaining healthy fish. Lots of filtration to in proportion to the number of inhabitants.
I think I have close to 40 fish in my 100g, 4 filters, once a week water change, about 45%, and it is all good. Takes me about an hour a week to maintain.
You will love it, sometimes all I do is sit in the den and stare at them for hours... they are soooo beautiful! (I know you know what I mean!)
I bet that was beautiful and even heart breaking to half to give it all away. I love my tanks and some days it is my only sanity I can find when it comes to worldly issues.
Yeah, he was living with his parents when he moved to Germany (we weren't married yet) and had the tank there, so he brought it to my condo and I had it set up in my dining/living room. I actually enjoyed it and love the sight of the fish. We had pictures at one point, I'll see if I can find them.