Have any of you ever dealt with canine cough? How long does it take to go away? Poor little TJ is breaking my heart. Sometimes she romps and plays, but other times she just lays around and looks pathetic. This is day four and she's been on antibiotic since Friday (starting her third day)I'm pretty sure it came home from the pet store with her new "little sis". According to the brochure, it's like the cold/flu we get and will run it's course?? I will for sure get her vaccinated for it, but I didnt' know anything about it before now.
My two have gotten it on occasions and I think it took about a week for my guys to get over it. Not much you can do except ride it out. Hopefully it will be better soon....
I'm dealing with it now. I brought a foster dog home that apparently had the virus. It is very much like a human cold and does have to run it's course. If you haven't yet you should take her to the vet and get a course of antibotics. The one thing you have to be careful of is that it doesn't turn into pheumonia. Kennel cough can take 10-21 days to run its course. My guys are at 21 days now and are still showing minor signs. Once this 2nd course of antibotics are done, if they aren't better I'll be taking them back to the vet.
Poor Radar had it last December, and had it BAD! He would cough until he would vomit! He just layed around and would hardly even eat. It took a few weeks for his to completely go away. Hopefully yours doesnt have it as bad as Radar did. Radar had a severe case of it, well, thats what the vet told us. Hope it all clears up soon....