Rufus does the funniest thing. He takes a piece of kibble from his bowl and goes to another part of his pen to eat it. Then he comes back and gets another piece. His breeder says all her dogs do this.
Is this a normal chihuahua thing? Don't remember seeing anythign about it in my chi books. Do any of your dogs do this?
TJ will do that to...sometimes when she's not real hungry, but when she's starving she will stay at her bowl and eat, then when she's been eating a while, then she will take a piece at a time and walk away...strange little things, aren't they?
Thanks, Tresa! Yes, just brought him home yesterday. Oh my, he is so adorable and so much fun. He loves to cuddle, bounces around trying to catch the two cats brave enough to come into the same room with him. He's using his litter box when he's in his playpen or sleeping crate, although he had a few little accidents when he was out in the room playing. No biggie, he's only 10 weeks old!
He slept through the nite last night in his sleeping crate, didn't hear a peep out of him until 6 this morning when I got up to use the bathroom. I gave him a quick pet and told him to go back to sleep, and after a few seconds of whining, he did!
This is a wonderful adventure, since I've never had a dog before. Pure joy so far!!!!!
Hey there, just thought I would tell you that my little Buster would do that. He would get a piece of food and then carry all the way back to the bedroom to eat it. Actually he would carry to where ever I was at in the house. Guess he wanted to be close to me. Binks kinda does it, but he does not go as far away. Boots.... well, he is just a hoover, food don't last long enough around him to go anywhere!!!
I am so happy for you, it has to be a real pleasure having little Rufus around, I know he is the apple of your eye just by how you speak of him!!! Keep us posted, we love hearing about your adventures!
I have to feed mine at the same time and supervise cause they sometimes will fight over the same bowl. They eat all their serving at one time and then gets treats in between meal times. I can't leave food down all the time. So I haven't seen mine do the pick up a kibble and take it back to their den but I have heard of chis doing that before this post. I bet it is cute.
Most of my chis do this also... I'm not sure whether it's just chis, or all small breeds. My yorkie does it sometimes, but the pug hovers over the bowl and pigs out!!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
That is the way Koapaka will start to eat. He'll pick up a kibble, walk away, eat it, come back and do the same thing. Then he'll go to the bowl and eat from it.
Maybe we should try that... .that is probably how they stay so skinny!!!! HE HE!!!! We can get a piece of food off our plates and go to a different part of the house to eat it, then you can get the exercise at the same time you eat.... who knows?!??!
Radar does it! He will go to his bowl and get a mouthful, take it to his bed, then drop it and eat it a piece at a time! I thought it was just a quirk, but I guess it is a Chi quality or something!
I find this trait so funny! I wonder why they do it? Do other dogs do this? (Rufus is my first dog ever in my whole life!!!)
Sattie, I like your idea - I need to lose a few pounds - I can go on the Chihuahua diet! Maybe we'll start a whole new diet craze, write a book on "The Chihuahua Way of Eating" and get rich and famous!
sattie wrote: Maybe we should try that... .that is probably how they stay so skinny!!!! HE HE!!!! We can get a piece of food off our plates and go to a different part of the house to eat it, then you can get the exercise at the same time you eat.... who knows?!??!
This made me literally LOL. I told the other lady in the office about it - said we will have to try that!
Back on subject - Houdini does the one piece then travel bit too. It's too funny. At first, I thought he may have been afraid I would try to take food from him or something. Five months later, he's still at it tho - and knows I won't take his food lol
Luv My Rufus wrote: I find this trait so funny! I wonder why they do it? Do other dogs do this? (Rufus is my first dog ever in my whole life!!!)
Sattie, I like your idea - I need to lose a few pounds - I can go on the Chihuahua diet! Maybe we'll start a whole new diet craze, write a book on "The Chihuahua Way of Eating" and get rich and famous!
Or at least, very hungry
Blessings! Lin
With all the different diet fads that go on these days.... you just never know!!! To be honest, I have heard of crazier stuff!!!
Ellie does this too. She'll take a piece and actually leave the room with it! I'm not sure what the logic behind it is; perhaps they think as they're so small another dog (or us!) could easily take it from them so they run away with it. Strange.....
Mia sometimes does it too! Well I read in a book that Chis love to eat on soft surface, which I find true. She'd take the food from the bowl and bring it to the fleece blanket. After she finishes it, she'll go to the bowl to take another piece. It's pretty cute to watch! hehe!