Besides our three chihuahuas, we have a 30 gallon salt water reef tank (Ian's baby) with 2 clown fish, a bengai cardinal, and a neon dottyback. We also have a ball python which we just bought last week. His name is Jake the Snake and he is about 2 feet long (still a baby).
Wow Jessie, I bet your tank is gorgeous.. I've had fresh water tanks, but was alway too chicken to take on salt water...Fish were too expensive for a novice like me...Never had a snake either... Don't mind them at all, but just never owned one.
Currently we have the 7 chis, one pug, one Yorkie, one retriver mix, 3 cats, and two finches.
We have a hand painted wooden sign hanging on our side door that says "Welcome to Critterville."
-- Edited by chiDeb at 00:52, 2006-09-01
-- Edited by chiDeb at 00:53, 2006-09-01
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Ok guys ya'll are making me think about setting up my tank again....I took it down about 4 years ago. Guess I just got tired of all the work, but now that I'm retired I might give it another shot. Tetras, now that's more my speed...I liked the neons and the fancy guppies. Really enjoyed my red velvet swords and was able to raise their fry in the baby nets mounted in the tank. May get out my tank (20 gallon) and cabinet/stand and set her up.. I would love to see pics of yours Jessie and Sattie..Thanks,
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I think I qualify for the least amount of pets here. I only have my two chis and two cats. I used to have some Sugar Gliders (flying squirrels). Fun little guys and cute but ALOT of work and they are Very, Very sneaky. Always un-doing their cage and getting out and then hiding and tease the cats.
chiDeb wrote: Ok guys ya'll are making me think about setting up my tank again....I took it down about 4 years ago. Guess I just got tired of all the work, but now that I'm retired I might give it another shot. Tetras, now that's more my speed...I liked the neons and the fancy guppies. Really enjoyed my red velvet swords and was able to raise their fry in the baby nets mounted in the tank. May get out my tank (20 gallon) and cabinet/stand and set her up.. I would love to see pics of yours Jessie and Sattie..Thanks,
I will try and post some pics for you, but yea!!! Set that tank up!!!! I love watching fish... such a comforting and peaceful retreat!!!!
luv2chis wrote: I think I qualify for the least amount of pets here. I only have my two chis and two cats. I used to have some Sugar Gliders (flying squirrels). Fun little guys and cute but ALOT of work and they are Very, Very sneaky. Always un-doing their cage and getting out and then hiding and tease the cats.
Nah, I outdo, or is it underdo (?!) you in the pets staks Luv2chis! I only have Ellie. James has two four year old (still small) Herman Tortoises, but they are strictly his. I have always had a lot of animals around me; grew up partly on a farm, then moved to Dartmoor, so we had lots of space,and always had Goats, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, but not any more, now I only own one dog. And a tiny one at that! I hope to breed Ellie and keep one of her pups maybe.
Guess I do have a list here... since I take care of my mother's animals on a regular basis! I will have to post pics of them soon too, since they are a part of my family as well!
I have Chimi (male chi, 5 months) who is my main baby... total momma's boy!
Yoshi (male chinese crested, 2.5 yrs) who I have worked to detatch myself from, since he needs a new home.
Gringo (male italian greayhound/chi mix, 4 yrs) is my boyfriend's dog, but I am known to be his mommy.
Jasper (male DSH, 4yrs) is my house cat... and one of Chimi's best buddies!
Gaia (female, DSH 5 months) is a stray kitten that my grandmother found when she was about two weeks old... mom and I are supposed to adopt her out... but she has been with us for about 4 months now, and I have the sneaking suspicion that she's not leaving!
Kippy (male cane corso italiano mastiff, 2.5 yrs) my mom's main baby, and I am known to him as "sissy". I take care of him everyday, but his main person will always be my mom.
Eliza (female field spaniel, 9yrs) is one of my mom's dogs, and I take care of her as well. She's an old kennel dog with an extensive show history... and she's HORRIBLY trained!
Buggy (male dachsund, 7yrs) is my mom's dachsund, but my step dad will always be his fav person. I take care of buggy, and he's a goof ball with only one eye. The other eye was lost because of glaucoma.
Mom's fish.... she has about 8 fish, and I am not a fish person, so I dont know what they are! They are all fresh water, and I occasionally feed them from time to time.