I was wondering if any of our members have been involved in breeding. While I am adamantly opposed to BYBs for profit, I did raise one litter of chis born in Sept. 1995. For those who saw our old pics on ChatChi site, "Macky" (RIP passed away at age 14)) and "Taffy" (RIP passed away at age 10)) were the parents. The vet had detected no health issues in either Mac or Taffy prior to the litter. We had 4 beautiful pups, two girls and 2 boys. Three of my closest friends gave homes to the two girls and one of the boys, and "Junior" the last born stayed with us. Each of the girls who adopted the pups already had a chihuahua when they added the puppy. So none of them were only children...I couldn't possibly have sold them, I wanted to keep all 4. The last one of the pups (named Taffy after her Mom) who lived only two blocks from us passed away 2 months ago.
I guess the month of September coming up made me a little nostalgic.... I still remember the day they were born and how precious they were...
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I have never bred any animals myself (except for an accidental litter of hamsters when I was younger), but my grandmother used to show and breed Pekinese dogs and Persian cats. I have always wanted to breed dogs as well, I think it would be such an amazing experience.
I hope to have a couple of litters from Ellie, in about a year maybe. I am still waiting on her first season though! I wanted to show Ellie but I dont think she'd go too far as her body is too long. But hopefully, if she ever comes into season I can put her in pup and get some better show prospects from her. It would be fun and nice to have another Chihuahua too!
I have bred animals in the past; dogs, cats, horses, hamsters, and goats. My most recent was Weimaraners, which was extremely hard work as we had seven pups, whose mother wasn't very interested in them, in a first floor flat! Not such a great idea, but it worked out ok! I have found breeding animals a lot of fun, and am eagerly looking forward to having pups with Ellie.
jessie wrote: I have never bred any animals myself (except for an accidental litter of hamsters when I was younger), but my grandmother used to show and breed Pekinese dogs and Persian cats. I have always wanted to breed dogs as well, I think it would be such an amazing experience.
My mom and dad raised litters of dogs... I have not done so. But oddly enough... I also had a litter of hamsters... they looked like little wads of pink chewing gum!
Now I have litters of fish!!!! I got so many fish babies... I can't keep up with em anymore.
I haven't bred any dogs, and I have personal beliefs about that. I have never intentionally bred any of my animals. Having said that, I do have four chinchillas. We took on one from a lady that didn't want to take care of her anymore. She told us that the chin was a male, so later on down the line I bought another male to keep him company. Well, him was a her, and about a year later we had twins...lol So now I have the whole kitandkaboodle family here with us. I couldn't bring myself to give them away to someone else. I would be forever wondering if they were ok. That is another reason I don't breed. I would be a nervous wreck always wondering if they were alright. We would end up with a kennel here...lol And hubby would eventually have a nervous breakdown..rofl
Gosh, I know what you mean Newf, it is hard to part with baby animals, especially puppies! Luckily for me, Chihuahua litters are usually quite small in numbers. I hope to keep a pup from the first litter. I think it would be very easy to not be able to let any go though. The breeder I got Ellie from had 30 Chihuahuas! She bred to show so she was constantly trying to breed a better dog! She lived in a tiny little cottage too! Nightmare! I think James, my partner, would leave home if we had that many! Three is my top number for Chis I think.
Wow..thirty?!! Can you spell divorce newf?!...lol Hubby def would be lookin for a new wifie..lol
I get all caught up in the baby thingy. Chi pups are so dang small and cute. I want them all!!!..lol I bet when you find your little girl the right "man" they are going to have some beautiful pups
Awww, thank you sweetie! What a lovely thing to say! The woman who bred Ellie has a sire she has offered me for Ellie. His name is Bingley, he is a cream smoothcoat, and we met him in June. Ellie ADORED him; kept walking underneith him! (She was still tiny then.) I am considering him as a stud, although I hve a few reservations. I would quite like to get away from that gene pull as even though her dogs are beautiful, I am worried it is too close, perhaps I should broaden my horizon. I also kind of wanted a black and tan sire. The last thing is that alrthough Bingley isn't overly big, and I do in no way condone breeding for size (in fact feel very strongly about that issue!) he is a little larger than I was considering. Ellie is about 4.5lbs which is only 1.5lbs away from being out of the UK breed standard weight so I thought I'd breed her with a smaller dog. I mean, she will never be outside the standard as she will not gain 1.5lbs more, but I wouldn't want to risk her pups facing that problem.
Wow..she is tiny. I have read that size is a very important thing when breeding chis. Here is a question that I have though. How come it is so hard to find chis in the UK? I have heard this over and over, but have never really noticed anyone explaining why.
I think Ellie would have sweet pups with any color of sire you find. She is just too cute:)
I'm pretty sure that chihuahuas are a popular breed over in the UK at the moment... and prices have skyrocketed in the past few years.
Over here, one of our expensive breeds is the Cavilier King Charles Spaniels (normally $1000+ pricetags in the US), but it is a very common, lower priced dog in the UK. Am I right so far?
We have so many chihuahuas in the US, but few king charles spaniels. It's just kind of reversed. Also, the US is much bigger than the UK, so we have a bigger population of people breeding their dogs.
Jessie, you are spot on! The Chiuhahua is highly sought after over here now, but until recently was a breed few knew of and desired. I'm afraid to say, it's only through people like Paris Hilton that most Brits have developed a passion for Chis! The terrible thing is they dont seem to be regarded as dogs here, more fashion accessories. Everyone wants one so they can carry them around in their handbag, not because they like the breed of dog. Makes me sooo angry! But that is a different topic all together.
Size, for me, is important but not the be all and end all. Over here the breed standard states that a Chi can be any weight up to 6lbs, 2-4lbs prefered. Anything bigger is just disqualified and dismissed. As I would like to go into showing it is imperative that I breed Ellie with a small stud. Again, breeding for tiny Chis makes me very angry, but I cant have anything too big. Personality is equally important, but I'm not so concerned over that as Ellie is and comes from a family of beautifully tempered Chis. It's funny how most on here say that Chis as a breed tend to be antisocial and not like people as I have never met one here that is like that. This again, is in the UK breed standards though.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are one of the less dear breeds over here. I know this because I have just noticed how gorgeous they are and have been looking at puppies! (James would kick me out if I got one though!)
WCC, how long have you beed breeding Chis? Do you have any pearls of wisedome or advice for a novice? I have bred a bit in the past, but never Chis. The closest I came to Chis was my Shih Ztu, Izzy. It was very sad, she had one pup, but it was still born. Izzy got so ill afterwards she nearly died. It was like she was dying from a broken heart.
I have had experience breeding through my sisters kennel, she breeds large breeds.
I have been around dogs and whelping all my life, but as for chi breeding only about a year. I have had a great friend of mine, who is a great breeder with about 15 years experience help me out and teach me alot. as well a ton of chi research inclusing breeding, whelping, chi health, genes and breeding programs. I breed to improve the breed, and help to create chi puppies that are true to their standard, including, conformation, health,temperment and well roundedness. The best advice I have is don't jump into it and make sure you have a very experienced chi breeder to help you. Breeding and whelping chi's is not easy. Way harder and more complicated than larger breeds.It takes more time researching and planning than actual breeding.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
I want to breed my dog Teena only one time,but I am scared that something would go wrong because she is small and I do not want to lose her anytime soon I love my dog so much. One time my other dog Reesie(Pomeranian) he was fixed and Teena became in heat he started humping her and I heard her screaming and I was so scared because he was stuck inside her so I tried to pull them aloose but it wouldnt work so I tried again harder and he popped out That scared the heck out of me. but I really want to breed Teena with another small chihuahua.
I have had tons and tons of breeding inquiries about Chimi. I was considering some of them, and to charge a stud fee and get 1st pick of the litter and all. My only problem is that I never got any papers from those terrible puppy mill turds that through him our. So Chimi has no papers, and he came from a puppy mill, so his family background is probably not good at all. (I highly doubt anything good to come out of it.) He came out really awesome though!
Every time some one seems like they are really interested in breeding him I always explain the situation of no papers, and questionable family background to them. No one ever seems to care though. LOL. They all just think that he's so cute, so they want to get pups out of him. After giving it a lot of thought, I decided to have him neutered in late December/early January. Sorry Chim!!
Mia, I think you're wise to have Chimi neutered. As you cannot ever know his background you would have no idea what you'd be passing on to the pups if you bred him. Chimi has come out of his early days trauma with flying colours, but you couldn't be certain that his offspring would have the personality. There are so many dogs in the world who have been carelessly bred and consequently have poorer lives than they deserve, and I know you wouldn't want to add to that. It's not fair on them. I know this must've been a big decision for you to make, but I really think you made the right choice. So well done sweetie, good on ya!
You know what else I thought of? All of the people that had breeding inquiries were not breeders. They all sort of seemed like owners that loved their chis... but they wanted to make money from them as well. It didnt even seem like they would have gotten much joy out of the pups... just money. I totally didnt like that at all.
You know what would have happened? The puppies would have come out with problems, and those people would'nt have been able to handle it... then I would take them. (I would never let them be put down!) and I would be stuck with a bunch of puppies with problems. I would end up spending my money on them and then adopting them out to good homes... LOL. I know that would totally happen, and to save us alot of trouble I think I made the better decision too.
Also, I still want to breed chis at some point in my life... but I'd better get through school and figure out what I'm doing with life first! LOL.
Pulling apart to dogs when they are tied can do ireversable damage to both dogs! never, never, never pull them apart when they are tied, if you did they should both see a vet asap! it's a huge no no.
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Westcoastchihuahuas wrote: Pulling apart to dogs when they are tied can do ireversable damage to both dogs! never, never, never pull them apart when they are tied, if you did they should both see a vet asap! it's a huge no no.
They were both fine, Reesie was scared because he thought he did something wrong but after I got them apart Teena acted like she wanted more. she was acting exited.
I have never been involved with breeding, but I am dying to breed chis or chinese cresteds. Mostly chis, but I cant wait until I am in the position to become a breeder.
I have been thinking about breeding. Not Harley, but I want to get a girl Chi. When people breed, that is their job right? They can't leave the pups during the day..? Do you find someone to breed with or can you buy a boy and a girl and breed them?