Here's 2 of my 3 ferrets. The White one is Tiny and the darker one hiding behind him is Annabel. I rescued these guys from the county shelter about a year ago or so. I wanted my other ferret, Princess, to have some company.
Do they enjoy interacting with people alot, or do they prefer to play with each other? I don't really know much about ferrets, so I'm interested in learning... Do they stay in the cage mostly or do they play around the house?
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
Unfortunately, we don't really give them the time and attention they deserve. I do try to let them out so they can run around their room. We still haven't been able to "Ferret Proof" enough so that we can let them have the run of the room all the time. That's my ultimate goal though. They are the most playful animals I've ever seen. One of these days, I'll post a video of the Chis and the Ferrets playing, its hilarious.
Love 'em! :heart We had ferrets for years until recently. One of ours passed away and it nearly killed me. The remaining one we re-homed to some family that had a ferret so they could be friends. It worked out well. Ferrets are really awesome pets. We have no plans on more ferrets now. Though we had them for a while, I've always been allergic to them, so anytime I spent close time with them, I suffered, so now we have decided to not get anymore. This isn't the best pic, but these were our babies. Bandit was the one who passed.
gottaluvchis, my 2 looked just like your Tiny & Annabel!