I underastand we are all adjusting to the new ways of poting photos, but please try and keep them small! On Photobucket you can click 'edit' over the photo you HAVE or are GOING to post to resize it. resizing medium sized photos to '75% original size' and Larger ones to '50% original size' if you have already posted a pic.. just go to photo bucket and resize the photos you posted already or resize tehm before you post! They will change automatically.. after you click 'refresh' Thanks!
It changed. just if u did by 75% it wasnt gunna change much. however the size is ok. iam more concerend with VERY wide photos. taht take a while to load.
Well Sattie, the phot's size depends mainley on the camera. ( like soem of mine are witha cell phoen camera and are already samll) and some with a small digi cam that are quite large. It depends on photobucket, when yo click 'edit' on top of each poto's edit screen is its size in pixels. a goo basic size is 1000 x 1000 or less a little bigger or samller wont hurt, but thats about the biggest that you want it to be! ;)
it didnt slow us down and i dontmind how big it was. if u want to go back .. feel free ( you will have tor eload it to photo bucket to get original size. then maybe just do 75% ogf original..?)