I will be needing 3-4 Moderators to help me run this site. I will be choosing them as soon as we get a few more members. what i am looking for in a mod is: commitment to the site ( regular visits), Kindness ( whoch all of you have!), good typing skills, and a LOVE for Chi's!
i will be picking from volenteers and on a first come first serve basis.. so if you are intrested post here!
I would liek to help out in any ways. Im just curious what kind of responsabilities come with it. I am a decnt typer and visit the forums everyday, however Im not a computer wiz or anything, but I do learn quickly. Please let me know if their is anyways I can help you out!
Same here! I will certainly be here daily, unless something unplanned comes up every now and then (rarely happens, I live online ), and I'd be happy to help Mod here! Luckily I have pretty good typing skills! LoL!
Oke! lol i have my mods! i will begin adding you! look for uyour name under a bopard to know what you moderate! please pM me for more details abotu your boards!!
well irt never hurts to have two mods on each board. so il accept both offers! after viewing all of you guy's mod skills i will select a global mod for the site !
A "sticky" is a post with helpful information. By making a thread "sticky" that means it will always remain at the top of the forum threads. For example, how to post a photo would be a good candidate for a sticky.
Lock means that no more posts can be made to the thread. If the thread is going in the wrong direction or something like that, then you can lock it down so no more converstation can take place about that particular topic.
A "sticky" is a post with helpful information. By making a thread "sticky" that means it will always remain at the top of the forum threads. For example, how to post a photo would be a good candidate for a sticky.
Lock means that no more posts can be made to the thread. If the thread is going in the wrong direction or something like that, then you can lock it down so no more converstation can take place about that particular topic.
Hi Megan, it looks like you have all the mods you need right now. If you need anymore help just let me know. I would be happy to help you out with this site.
Thanks for the offer Jessie and LuvMyChis! when the site grows more I will need more mods as for now I am ok. But when I do need them you two are at the top of the list! :)