Sattie! Oh my gosh, am I glad to see you sweetheart! ChatEvo was glastly, I missed you! This place looks totally brilliant, and I'm sure it'll be like old times very soon.
Thank you Sattie for the PM telling me about this place. If we can get everyone here it will be so much better! And hopefully no one will try and take this one away from us!
Hey Alison, Welcome back to the group!!! It will take us a while to get everything back to normal, but it sure beats ChatEvil as Jess appropiately called it.....Love to you and Molly!
siggy by Chicoluver The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
I MISSED YOU GUYS!!!! What a freaking bummer huh????? Ok, we just have to nab em and reel them in as we can. I have westcoastchi's personal email, I will send her something to get her aboard.
Anyhow, thanks to CMB, we got a new place to gather! Many thanks and much love!!!!!
Wow are we glad to be here! This seems so much nicer, smaller and simpler. Thanks to Deb for the message. Hi to everyone and I love the name chatevil that is so appropriate.