HELP!! I know gerbil's don't live long. We have had ours for almost 3 years. I think he is dying and i don't knoewif he is in pain! The other day he was "sleeping" and I was saying his name and he wouldn't move. But i could see that he was breathing. And i was shaking the cage a little bit and he would not open his eyes or move. I was scared. Then later i came back and he had moved but was still acting the same way. The next day he had moved again and i got a piece of timothy hay and he took it from my hand but didn't open his eyes. So that went on all day. He would eat if i handed him the hay. THen yesterday he was moving around alot more. But still no eyes open. ANd it looked like he was trying to figure out how to drink. He kept scratching at the water bottle so i tilted it a little and he drank. Did this a few more times cause he was thirsty. His eyes look like they are bleeding. His fur is like red around them. One looks worse then the other. THen this morning he tried to take the hay and eat it but its like he was to weak to bite into the hay. THen he would just not move again. I think today is his last day and im so sad. I feel so bad for him. He coulnd't even grab ahold of the hay. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!???
nevermind. our vet said she would put him to sleep even thought they legally aren't supposed to. He was in pain last night he couldn't eat and kept opening his mouth. But when i got home to get him he had just died. Right after hubby said his goodbyes he stopped breathing.