We've added a new Chi! Bella. She's 1 yrs old and quite the nervous little thing. I don't think she even weighs 5lbs. Haven't been able to get a good face shot, she moves too fast for my camera. But here she is.
Sry I havnt been on the site in forever so this question may seem a little dated. Did you get another chi island girl??? Misti is so cute, where did u get her from?? Her ears are like Ayvess are flopy, i love it!
She was owned by my husband's coworker who has 3 kids and the coworker felt her family was not giving her enough attention. She pretty much lived in her pen. So after my husband begged me for months, I finally gave in and took her in. Only reason I was hesitant is the fact we have a now 2 month old and wasn't sure we could handle another dog. She's working her way into the pack now and playing with Akira. Chewy is pretty much ignoring her. And she's been good so far with Nicolas.