I am looking at getting a different harness for my Jelly Bean. The Puppia ones are great, but she hates the way it goes over her head so I want one that doesnt do that. I found this one online just now, what d'you guys think of it? Also, how do you think it does up? Do you think it is velcro on that slightly longer, sticking out part under the clip? (did that makes sense?! )
I think it looks great... this coming from a girl that does not use harnesses or even collars for that matter!!! But it looks to bypass the issue you are having with little Miss Ellie! How is she by the way?
I can't remember what brand mine is... will have to try and remember to ask my mum tonight, but it is great. Corona also HATED the harness going over her head, so we got this one and her front legs go through two holes, and then it buckles at the back of her shoulders. It fits nicely and looks good.
Ellie's doing really well thanks, just the same as always, happy and bouncy! lol
Ah! The Buddy Belt! You're not the first to recommend that one to me actually! lol I was ideally looking for something a bit more padded, but I might have to have another look at them! They're also hard to come by in England, it'd have to be an eBay job which would cost more as it would be coming from US.
Thanks for the replies ladies! I can always rely on you! x
Hey there Jess, I really like that harness, and I think that you are right, it looks like it might be a velcro strip. I have a fabric harness that looks and fits like a vest, but it velco's up under Merrie's little (LOL) belly, but it works really well. Other than that I still use kitten harnesses for Mater, he won't fit into anything bigger yet :) Let us know what you decide to get for her, and how much she likes it.
Thanks Lis, I have also been looking at vest harnesses, they look good.
I went to the Buddy Belt website and I see they now do pads for their harnesses and think that would be perfect, but now I've hit another problem! lol Buddy Belts are hard to come by over here and my only option is to get one on eBay, not only that but the website doesn't have a sizing chart so I dont know what size to order! lol Life's never easy, is it?! lol
What are your size options? I don't know how much help this will be but... when we got Corona's, we tried on the smallest size and it fit her, but she would have grown out of it. We ended up with size 2, Corona is over 2.5lbs now and is still on the smallest/tightest hole with probably a good 4" of adjustment left.