It was such a treat to come home and see the new pics of my baby girl Ayvee. Shes about 6 weeks old now I think. A little under a month and I get to bring her home. Im so excited!!! Id put the pics on here but it never seems to work. Heres the link...
Awww, what a doll! She sure has changed a lot since you posted the link for the video, she si really looking "puppyish" now, LOL! Of course I didn't see this post before I asked on a different one how long before she comes home! You must be sooo excited, I can't totally relate to that, a month can seem like a year when your waiting for your little baby to come home. Thanks for sharing the pics!
Wow, she's grown so much! It's amazing how fast they change at this age! You'll have to strt filling your time with nice things so that it goes quicker! I know it probably feels like an eternity, so do some nice things. Like for me, it would be getting my nails manicured or going shopping or seeing friends and family. Just treat yourself a bit to make the time go faster. You could also get online and research. You can never know too much! It'll come in handy over the next year or so trust me! lol