YAY!! I just got an email from Beth saying that I get to bring my little guy home on Friday!!!! And no...I will save you the time asking, lol, no, I haven't figured out his name yet, heehee! Soon though!
"little boy" and his crew like to bark at me when I go into the room in the morning! they've all been eating only dry puppy food since 4 weeks!!!! Merrie will be so excited! and they will still have ChaCha and my crew to socialize with. who knows maybe Hazel will come by too! : )
You think dogs will not be in heaven~ I think they will be there long before any of us... stevenson
Merrie loves him so much, and I am sure that it won't be long before he is big enough to keep up with her! I took her over to my moms last night, and she played (sort of) with Willie, thier black lab. He is actually not much of a dogs dog, he just pretends that they are not there, and looks for more people attention. It is quite a sight to see, if she goes over to him while he is laying down, he will promptly get up, and move somwehere else! He is kinda like an elephant, and she is the mouse, lol! But she had lots of fun thinking that he was playing with her. That would be lots of fun to get Hazel and our pups together, they would have a blast! Then there is Tashals too, she is just a few minutes away also......Chi Party!!!