As most of you will know I have had to work hard and unfortunately put Ellie through a lot, by trying to find a suitable dry food for her. She is sensitive to maize (corn), soy, and I am keen to have her on an organic, human grade food. Well, it took me the best part of a year to find and establish a food that worked for us. This food was The Natural Dog Food Company; an organic, human grade, holistic dry complete. Ellie has been on it for about 6 months now and it has been good, but now we've run into a problem.
A few months ago I noticed that the last ingrdient is actually animal derivatives. I was concerned about this but thought that since it was organic and all that that it was probably safe. Then, the other day when I went to order more (there aren't that many places that stock it) I found they no longer had it! So, I contacted the product company only to have my email rejected as their inbox is too full! I am now gwtting suspicious, I am wondering if perhaps they've had some sort of legal trouble and have had to pack up or something! WHAT IS GOING ON?!
So, it's another switch on the agenda! Argh! Poor Ellie had just got settled on it! I am looking at Nutro, Timberwold Southwest, and a new product called Orijin. Do any of you have any thoughts or comments on either of these foods?
Sorry if you feel this is an old, done subject, but I would really apreciate and value your views!
That must be so frustrating!! I don't know what you've tried, but have you looked into feeding raw? Then you really do have complete control over all of the ingredients.
I just started Corona on 'Mountain Dog' raw patties this weekend and she's cleaning her dish at every meal. Obviously it's too soon for me to make any judgement on how she's doing on it, but I'm preferring the idea of feeding this way.
Anyway, if you're interested, I can give you some links for info.
Jess, I just started Boots on Nutro, so I can't give you any real feed back just yet, but since Blue Buffalo was on recall, I decided to try Nutro. Jessie, our resident nutriotionist I believe feeds Nutro as well. One of the reasons I decided to try it. I will let you know how Boots does on it.
Raw is def. a consideration, as Stacey said, you have complete control. I know with you being a vegitarian and all that it may be a bit difficult for you to go this route, but I think it would be worth taking a look into it.
Thanks girls! I haven't really looked into the Raw Diet, I'd much rather use a dry complete really. Sattie, since the new treatment for my M.E. started (about 8 months ago) I have started eating meat again, but do still find handling some meat hard to do! lol I have actually emailed Jessie to ask for her opinion! lol She is so knowledgable about dog food, it's wonderful and we're so lucky to have her on our site!
Yea, I remember you said you were eating chicken now, but like you said, it still does not change the fact that you would rather not have to deal with it. Yea, let us know what Jessie says....
Well girls, I finally managed to make a decision! I haven't heard from Jessie so I am going to go with Nurto. The other food, Orijen was from Canada and as there was only one UK supplier I thought it'd be safe to go with Nutro. I ordered a bag or Mini Lamb & Rice Nurto Choice. I hope it'll be ok! Unfortunately it'll have to be a rather swift change as I am nearly out of her old food. Wish us luck! lol
Ok, so the new food arrived yesterday! I put some down for Ellie last night and it was an instant success, she LOVES it! I am hopeful that this will be the one for us! Please keep your fingers crossed for us, and I'll update you on how it's going in a week or two.
Thank you Sattie nd Stacey for your help, it was much appreciated! Mwah!
Well it's been about a week now since I put Ellie onto Nutro. IT IS GREAT!!! She loves it and seems to be doing really well on it! It is such a relief to have her on a good food and even better that she likes it as much as she does! My only worry now is that she might well get fat cos she loves it so much! lol
Glad to hear all is going well for you and Miss Ellie! I know that finding the right food is really hard to do, but it is such a major relief when you do!! I hope that this is the one, good luck!