Here are a couple of pics that I took of my boy today, Beth checked the pups earlier in the morning, and their eyes were closed....but when I got there, she picked him up to hand him to me.....and he looked at me, lol! I was the first person he ever saw, too cool! I had an awesome day today!!!! Unfortunately, he had his eyes closed for the pictures...but no worries, I will take more!
Oh I so love that last pic of Merrie and the baby together... Looks like the little guy is gonna be a tri-color as I see some tan coming in that cute little face! His eyebrows appear to be tan looking.. So are you working on a name for the little one now???? Deb
(Sig by Meg)
Sometimes an open mind is too porous to hold a conviction.
Oh I so love that last pic of Merrie and the baby together... Looks like the little guy is gonna be a tri-color as I see some tan coming in that cute little face! His eyebrows appear to be tan looking.. So are you working on a name for the little one now???? Deb
Ya, they are both tri's....but look completely different :) But they both have the tan-brows, I love them! I am not driving myself and everyone around me as crazy as I did when I was naming Merrie...just hoping it will come to me!