I'm sorry to be of no real help here, I dont know what could be causing it. Have you asked your Vet? Hopefully someone else will chip in soon! Let us know how you get on though, k?
It started about a month ago, just one corner. Thought she had scrapped it, but now it's the other corner too. Nothing has changed as far as diets or vaccines. Started before I switched to Advantix from frontline, that's the only thing new... Haven't called the vet yet, since hubby gets mad when I just immediately run to the vet. If it's not better next week (he's going to keep an eye on her over the weekend while I'm out of town), I'll give the vet a call. It doesn't seem to be affecting her...
So is it more like mucus crusties or is it actually on her nose? Like scabs? If that is the case, it could be a bacteria/fungus/infection, something like that.
I was really getting concerned cause some of the research I found was pointing to serious skin conditions including cancer... as well as sunburn if the nose is pink. It's gone for now, if it comes back again, I'll have ask the vet what to do.
Yea Shan, that would scare me a bit too!! Buster ended up with this odd bump on his snout, right in the middle between his nose and forehead. I ended up getting it lazered off just to be on the safe side. Hopefully it will not crop back up!!!