I've been trying to think of the best place for little Corona's pen, where we'll keep her crate and where she'll be during the day. Obviously somewhere on the carpet is out of the question, lol, and our kitchen area is just too small to be able to fit anything in there... so, we've got a small piece of linoleum inside the front door that I think might work, but it's only about 3'x3'... is that going to be big enough? She'll only be in there when nobody is home (a max of 9 hours on occasion, with a little break at lunch time), the rest of the time I plan to keep her tied to me around the house.
The only other option would be to put her in the basement as it's got just cement floors through most of it, so we could make a big pen down there, but then there is no daylight and it's cool....
Stacey, puppies are quite studious in escaping and if not properly restrained, you will come home to a puppy running loose in the house. I would place her crate where you plan on having it permanetly. If it is on the carpet, you may want to consider placing a large piece of card board under the crate to protect your carpet. You want as much consistency as possible to help establish some boundaries with your new pup. As far as crates, I'm not sure how large it should be, but I think it should be large enough to have a sleeping area, and another area to relieve herself so she don't have to lay in it. Also a place for fresh water.
I hope some of that info helps, if not, please keep asking questions... we are here to help and the more questions you ask, the better we can assist!!!!
As Sattie said consistancy is the most important word when you have a young dog. I'd suggest using some kind of protection on your carpet (cardboard that you change once a day or something) and have the crate in a permanent position that is in a nice airy, light place in your home. I'd say that the basement might be a little dark and cold. As for the size of the crate, well that is dependant on what you want really. It wants to be big enough to fit some toys a food bowl and a water bowl and a bed/blanket. The kind I have for Ellie (which she loves) is similar to this one...
Ellie finds this really good, and I suspect that in no time at all your little Corona will see it as her bed or 'den'.
Hey Stacey, I found this link to one of our affiliate sites that had a few good tips that you may want to take a gander at. But Jess gave you some great tips as well....
maybe you could put in on the carpet, but put one of those hard plastic things down... darn. i forgot what they were called, but people put them on carpet under their desks for rolling computer chairs.
like this: http://www.staples.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StaplesProductDisplay?ts=1176903589975&prodCatType=2&storeId=10001&productId=14454&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&cmArea=FEATURED:SC2:CG93